1) Install the plug-in by uploading it via WordPress’ plug-in uploader (For some reason WordPress didn’t recognize it when I uploaded it via my FTP client). Click ‘activate plugin’
2) Using your FTP client, Download custom_functions.php
(located in wp-content > themes > Thesis 1.8 > custom
3) Make a back-up of the file. (Call it custom_functions_bak.php)
4) Add the following code somewhere in the middle of custom_functions.php:
function custom_voteitup() {
add_action(‘thesis_hook_after_headline’, ‘custom_voteitup’)
5) Save custom_functions.php and upload it back to the same directory you downloaded it from. (Your FTP client will ask you if you want to overwrite the file. Click yes)
That’s it. The voting icons should appear right underneath your headlines. (If you want them to appear somewhere else, replace the
‘thesis_hook_after_headline’ in the above code with any hook found on this page: https://diythemes.com/thesis/rtfm/hooks/
6) If you want to customize the voting icon, go to your WordPress Dashboard > Settings > Vote it up
Enjoy! -Blair