[Plugin: Vote It Up] Utterly Broken
I’ve just spent the last few horus re-implementing the loop onto my wordpress blog. This plugin, when installed, duplicated every page on my site that used the loop. As a result, all of the script libraries were laoded twice, removing all javascript from the site. The site also created all the posts twice on the blog page. It duplicated the page “loop.php” on top of itself numerous times, and the entire page get mashed up and I had to copy it piece by piece to find out what got duplicated…
To solve:
1. Deactivate the plugin
2. Delete the plugin folder @ wp-content/plugins/vote-it-up
3. Go to “loop.php” in your theme dir and go to the bottom fo the document, copy the first paragraph, put it into find and see if it was duplicated, if so, how many times. For mine it was duplicated four times. I had to go from /*** start the loop ***/ to the end <?php end_if ?> and delete all that.
4. Now the loop might’ve left some dupe content in your index.php and single.php as well. Those 3 files were altered by the loop. Find where the loops starts, and delete all the copies to the end of the document.5.Then find all fo your css file links and script file links (if you have any) and copy and paste into find to figure out which ones were dupe’d by the loop. (lol it rhymes) FInd the dupes and delete them. Your page shoudl be original now…
– single.php – the loop duplicated all the script files and a few container divs enclosed by the loop.
– index.php – the loop duplicated all the script files and a few container divs enclosed by the loop. same thing as before
– loop.php – from
<?php /* Start the Loop
. to<?php if ( $wp_query->max_num_pages > 1 ) : ?> ... <?php endif; ?>
I’m going to sleep… ugh that was awful
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