• Hi,
    First of all, I would like to thank the developers for the great plugin. I am fairly new to WordPress and I was at first disappointed with it’s performance compared to other CMS’s I am used to, until I found this plugin.

    However , I have a problem getting W3 Total Cache to work with Amazon S3.
    I have set up the CNAME settings correctly, uploaded the theme, wp-includes and minimify files and the plugin successfully replaced all the URI of theses files to my subdomain that I created for s3 (s3.mywebsitename.com).
    Two days later, I comeback to visit my website with my browser and surprise: the files are no longer pointing to s3.mywebsitename.com but to mywebsitename.com.
    I tried disable / re-enable CDN settings in W3 Total Cache and clear the cache, no luck. Then I decided to remove the plugin and re-install it, that did the job and the files addresses point to s3.mywebsitename.com.

    Two days after that, I comeback again and the same story again, my files point to my main domain instead of my s3 subdomain.

    What is the problem, how to fix this?

    I am running WordPress 3.0.3 on 1and1 shared hosting and using Amazon S3.

    Happy Holidays!

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  • The hostnames are faked, but the structure is what I’m hoping to accomplish.

    replaced with

    I have verified that the rackcdn file exists and can be seen by using the direct URL, indicating the plugin successfully uploaded the Custom File directory to the cdn.

    In the Custom Files page, I specified.

    /includes/* to grab all the file and subdirectories below it.

    thanks, an easy solution would be great.


    and the links to files in /includes/ directory are within the content of wordpress pages or posts?

    Or they are separately linked somewhere else?

    BTW, while I wait for your answer, here is something that might help you.


    Replaces the blog URL by another for all files under wp-content and wp-includes. That way static content can be handled by a CDN by origin pull. (The origin is your blog address.)

    You could upload your static files to S3, CloudFront or just any site, too. For S3/Cloudfront, see this script to help you with uploading/synchronizing your blog files.

    Correct, I have wordpress pages/posts with <img> tags to content in the /includes/ directory. I was trying to avoid clogging up the Media LIbrary.

    Also, in case it matters, the /includes/ directory is at the same level as the wordpress directory.

    I’ll check that plugin as well.


    yeah that plugin should do the trick for you.

    Ah, just realized, that other plugin is looking for content inside wp-content and wp-includes. My folder /includes/ is outside of the those directories. I’ll need to consider relocating some directories potentially.

    Not needed, you can simply change the values within the plugin and it should work.

    Or there is one simple way you can do this. Let me write a quick plugin for you.


    Simple dynamic search and replace.

    You can try this plugin too


    or simply use my quick and dirty code below

    add_filter('the_content', 'replace_links');

    and add it to your functions.php file within theme.

    Now you can use str_replace() in the repalcelinks() function to change your urls dynamically.

    function replace_links($content) {
    return str_replace("https://www.domain.com/includes/", "https://x832.r3213.cf98912.rackcdn.com/includes/", $content);

    If anyone is still having this issue with recent releases, please let me know.

    I am still having the same issue with the current release. Just set it up this morning, still cant seem to get it working.

    same here…the plugin just stopped serving static content suddenly. One member suggested the following, but I cannot find these options in my plugin that I just upgraded

    –> Performance –> “CDN settings”
    –> button “unsuccessful file transfers”
    –> Delete queue
    and then uploaded the files again (which of course results in “file already exists messages”)
    –> Performance –> “CDN settings”
    –> button “Upload custom files””

    Has anyone managed to fix this bug? Thank you

    Can either of you (@dzinga1 / @coltonfisher) submit a bug submission form from the support tab of the plugin to simplify troubleshooting?

    I submitted the bug report weeks ago, but got no reply ??


    I had a problem similar to this. It seemed to be related to the CDN hostname replacement function but was solved under the minify settings by reordering the files minified and combined. Reordering them solved the issue for me.

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