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  • I too am interested in this “deferring” option (can’t find your e-mail address though).

    Just one question: when I want to defer some js files, but not all and I still want to combine all the files and place them in the footer; will there be two combined js files?



    Hi Frederik,
    Could you email me the last release wih the defer option please.

    When will the plugin get a standard update with the defer option? Or is that only given to people as an option?

    Is there somewhere you can fetch this new version with defering option?

    I would also love to test the w3tc with defering. Townes, could you provide a link so we won’t bother on your email?

    Hi Frederick – love your work! Yes please if you have the time to email to me as well.. thank you so much for all your effort. Here’s a link to my website, that goes ok in PageSpeed – but deffering the js parsing will help some more…


    I was wondering if anyone ever got a copy of W3TC with javascript defer built in?


    Hi Frederick,

    Is the upgrade to W3TC available yet ? I just installed your excellent plugin and it raised my speed on webpagetest from 66/100 to 77/100 in the first pass.

    I have some issues with:
    1. Leverage Browser Caching
    2. Combine images into CSS sprites
    3. Defer Parsing of Javascript

    I understand the upgrade mentioned in this thread will address number 3 above, but one of the three JS files mentioned is https://……/wp-content/w3tc/min/a62d3/index.include.9fc1ab.js which looks like a w3tc JS. Does it make sense to defer parsing of this file ?

    Could you please advise when the upgrade will be available, and can you give me any tips on items 1 and 2 above ?

    Many thanks

    Hello, waiting the solution by the plugin I propose you this solution :

    This solution move the javascript files on the footer, so it’s not The solution for a good total parsing but that’s already a solution ??

    For example on my website after this manipulation, GTMetrix is almost OK with me ??

    All you have to do it’s :
    -> go to wp-includes/script-loader.php
    -> go to the bottom of the file and add the solution proposed by the author of the article :

    replacing ‘add_action( ‘wp_default_scripts’…..’ line’s

    by :

    function ds_enqueue_jquery_in_footer( &$scripts ) {

    if ( ! is_admin() )
    $scripts->add_data( ‘jquery’, ‘group’, 1 );
    add_action( ‘wp_default_scripts’, ‘ds_enqueue_jquery_in_footer’ );

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