• Resolved rmanshk


    i get this error in W3 Total Cache admin page :

    Page caching is not available: /home/local/public_html/wp-content/advanced-cache.php is not installed. Either the /home/local/public_html/wp-content directory is not write-able or another caching plugin installed. This error message will automatically disappear once the change is successfully made.

    wp-content is writable nad i delete wp-super cache but it doesn’t work
    what can i do for that ?


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  • Thread Starter rmanshk


    Server Modules & Resources:

    Plugin Version:
    PHP Version: 5.2.17 (PHP5 required for Minify, Rackspace CloudFiles, Microsoft Azure support)
    Web Server: Apache
    FTP functions: Installed (required for Self-hosted (FTP) CDN support)
    Multibyte String support: Installed (required for Rackspace Cloud Files support)
    cURL extension: Installed (required for Amazon S3, Amazon CloudFront, Rackspace CloudFiles support)
    zlib extension: Installed (required for compression support)
    Opcode cache: Not installed
    Memcache extension: Not installed
    HTML Tidy extension: Installed (required for HTML Tidy minifier suppport)
    Mime type detection: Not installed (required for CDN support)
    Hash function: Installed (hash) (required for NetDNA purge support)
    Safe mode: On
    Open basedir: Off
    zlib output compression: Off
    set_time_limit: Available
    mod_deflate: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)
    mod_env: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)
    mod_expires: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)
    mod_headers: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)
    mod_mime: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)
    mod_rewrite: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)
    mod_setenvif: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)
    WordPress Resources

    /home/permovie/public_html/.htaccess: OK
    /home/permovie/public_html/wp-content: OK
    /home/permovie/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2012/07: OK
    Fancy permalinks: /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/
    WP_CACHE define: Defined (false)
    URL rewrite: Enabled
    Network mode: No

    You need to completely remove any other caching plugin before you install W3 Total Cache.

    1. Deactivate and DELETE any other caching plugin. Make sure you check the wp-content directory and delete the advanced-cache.php file and the db.php file.

    2. Deactivate and DELETE W3 Total Cache.

    3. Reinstall the plugin and activate.

    Thread Starter rmanshk


    thank , that work ??

    Thanks Chris Olbekson

    that work.

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