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  • I get the same error as you [-] GET[‘f’] param invalid: “” with 2 css files. And debugging dont provide relevant information to isolate the problem.

    I’m running WordPress 3.2.1, PHP 5.2.17.

    I’ve got the same issue.

    I keep getting this error in my admin panel

    “Recently an error occurred while creating the CSS / JS minify cache: Some files were unavailable”

    When i check the error log the most common error i see is below.

    “/wp-content/w3tc/min/e753e/single.include-nb.9865d5.js] [-] A group configuration for “include-nb” was not set”

    How do i fix this error or what do i need to look for. Because i follow the recommended settings for minify.


    Not working here either.

    Even worse, I don’t even have an error log in “/usr/local/nginx/html/wp-content/w3tc/min”. ??

    I’m sure it’s a permission issue some where as the files don’t even exist.

    Nothing in nginx logs about it either. Lame!

    Also tried running this but did NOT help:

    sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/local/nginx/html/wp-content/w3tc/

    There is only 1 file in this entire directory and that is “index.php” in “min”.

    And yes W3 Total Cache successfully recreates the folder if I disable and the re-enable the plug-in.

    Update: Work-around is to disable “Rewrite URL structure” on “Minify” page.

    Did some more debugging today and got it working again by disabling the “Rewrite URL structure” option under the settings for minification.

    EDIT: Upon further investigation it seems like it’s minification with memcached that’s causing the problem and not the rewrite URL structure setting.

    Perhaps my issue is similar.
    After my last reinstall of W3tc, I don’t have “Rewrite URL structure” checked and still have problems.

    I’ve been detailing them (at length, admittedly) at this thread:

    If these issues are not related, then I’ll be sorry for the misdirection.

    Was this ever resolved? Thanks!

    Ended up just unchecking the enable Minify in General Settings.

    I don’t know if this applies, but see my post about automatic minifying errors:
    (btw, I meant to say *Important* parsing error found with automatic minify)
    In the minifying process, incorrect .js code was generated. You’ll see what I mean in my post. Good luck!

    I am curious how many were/are using “comment luv” thesetwo plugins seem to conflict and comment luv just revised their plugin to end the conflicts. The problem is the conflict is resolved but the script issues with css and js are not resolved, seems only manual line by line review will have to occur (see )to fix unless anyone else has any suggestions???



    Hi Fredrick,

    This is an awesome plugin. Has any progress been made to fix the bug? I was using automatic (which I used in the previous version). I switched over to manual and i’m getting the errors all the others are getting as well.

    Hope to go back to using automatic soon. I don’t know anything about configuring this plugin. ??

    Very complicated stuff

    Plugin Contributor Frederick Townes


    This functionality really gives too many false positives right now and should be disabled.

    I got this error for a plugin that had been disabled and completely deleted. I checked the database, and there were no leftover tables from it. Since nothing is left of the old plugin, what could be making the cache want to create a css minify for it? How can I delete whatever traces seem to be left?

    It’s not a matter of flushing the cache, as all caches have been emptied many times since I deleted this plugin.

    Recently an error occurred while creating the CSS / JS minify cache: File “/usr/home/wheel/humortimes/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/twitter-facebook-google-plusone-share/tfg_style.css” doesn’t exist.

    Thanks for any help.

    Plugin Contributor Frederick Townes


    Are you sure that you’re viewing the list of all plugins because it’s not possible that you’re still seeing errors related to the plugin if it’s removed.

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