First and foremost do NOT ever push the button in cpanel that says “optimize my website”. It, I believe, is how I messed up my site this time. The button is the one near the lower right in this image:
It took me 3 hours with the first “live-chat” tech. That was 3 hours that got nowhere. The error looks like this:
Then I went to the ticket system to try and get a better tech for assistance. After creating a new user and giving access to my site I got this message:
I have fixed the php.ini file and have copied this one to wp-folders.
And now I do not see any warnings regarding zlib compression.
Yuriy P.
Technical Support Team
Since that didn’t tell me what he did I asked and here is what he did. Copy the following (between dashed lines):
; any text on a line after an unquoted semicolon (;) is ignored
[php] ; section markers (text within square brackets) are also ignored
; Boolean values can be set to either:
; true, on, yes
; or false, off, no, none
register_globals = off
track_errors = yes
zlib.output_compression = off
Take that string and overwrite your php.ini files in the following wp folders – (/wp-admin/php.ini) – (/wp-content/php.ini) – (/wp-includes/php.ini)
If you don’t have php.ini files there make them by adding a file in your cpanel file manager.
I hope that helps and let me know if it works out. No sense spending those hours just for me.