• I love Wassup as it has given me new insights on the user base of my website (far superior to Google Analytics). However, for some strange reason, logged in users with legitimate IDs dont show up 90% of the time with thier names in green. I have to go a roundabout way to find who is logged in by copying the IP adress, pasting it in the search bar – – most times, if I go far back enough on the timeline, Wassup puls up and old log and reveals the person’s userID.

    Its a cumbersome way to find out simple information. I am wondering if there is something wrong with my setup? Also, a majority of the time, legitmate members show up with the message in a red bar saying Prbably a hack attept” right when thier ID is displaying in a green ber?

    Would appreciate if you could answer these questions.



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  • Plugin Contributor helened


    Wassup may not be detecting logged-in users because of a membership plugin. Do you have a membership or user management plugin installed in your copy of WordPress? If so, please post the name of that plugin here.

    Thread Starter ffarooqi


    Hello helened
    Sorry – I never got a notification that you had responded!
    I am using YourMembers PlugIn

    I’m having the same problem. I’m using Role Scoper to create and set membership groups and rights. How can I get Wassup to show the login names, in my case, the IP address isn’t enough since many members are from the same IP address.

    Using most recent version of Wassup.


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