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  • Same here…since last week on all sites.

    My client is also receiving this error on her blog.

    Error: Twitter did not respond. Please wait a few minutes and refresh this page.

    Up till now (a couple weeks) the plugin has been working fine; I haven’t seen it spit out any errors. A few minutes ago, I got it to finally load some tweets, but mostly it loads the error. I noticed that past posts on the issue never seemed to get resolved. Can anyone shed some light on this? Also does anyone know how long it will take to load the tweets again?

    Same here. Time to install a different plugin.

    Seems like this is a part of jet pack now.

    A bad solution that i’ve come up with :p
    Download jetpack plugin and extract it to a local folder. Find the folder called modules. Inside that folder open the file ‘twitter-widget.php’. Copy the complete content of that file to ‘wickett-twitter-widget.php’ of this plugin.
    Atleast now it works for me.. ??

    I’m also getting the no response from Twitter error (from the Jetpack version). I’m using WP 3.2.1.

    Whats even stranger is that this plugin works fine on my local server, but fails on the live server. Guess I’ll give Clearly Bonafide Twitter a try ??

    Nope, Clearly Bonafide Twitter doesn’t work on the live server, but does work on my local development install, just like this one. Any ideas what might cause these to fail when going from a local install to a live install? I’d be really thankful for any help.

    I think I figured my issue out. I have “Tweet This” installed, and I didn’t realize it also had a widget for posting tweets in it that must have been conflicting with these widgets.

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