• Resolved findigart


    I liked the implementation – so clean and simple, so precise and concise.
    This defeats TS Custom Widget and MyCustomWidget by far.

    But…it simply does not work. Showing widgets cross-site does not work, “add to any” widgets do not show, Text widgets do not show in consistency with my instructions.

    What a shame, this could have been one Great plugin. I’d love to see improvements.


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  • I’m having problems with this too. I want a certain widget to display only on the home page. I’ve tried every variation I can think of without any good results. Here’s a link with some screen shots.


    I can’t believe it’s so difficult to get certain widgets to show up on only certain pages…maybe I should have gone with Joomla!?

    Its a nice plugin but…

    I use Arthemia Premium Theme, i want to activate a widget that shows only on single posts, but if i select the option Show only on Single Post, the plugin just simple dont work, also when I use the “Hide on selected”, select the HomePage but doesnt work.

    The plugin with other options work but shows the widget on all the pages of the site, with out filtering the options that i select.

    my site is:

    I apreciate any help, excuse my english




    @ kasparsd
    Thank you so much!!
    I was facing problem in using Target by URL feature on my blog. I followed your suggestion to use ‘pagename’ in the box & its working fine. Really a great plugin. I’m loving it!!

    I love your plugin, I used it and it worked perfectly with one site I built. Now I’m using the ‘studiopress’ template and I’m having problems. It is not that I am using the wrong syntax (I know that ‘pagename/*’ works from previous experience.
    I’m using wordpress 2.9.1. and I think it has something to do with the the adsense sidebar: file-name= adsense_sidebar336.php

    <!-- Insert your adsense code for a 336x280 rectangle right under here -->
    <a href="https://www.linked-site.com">
    	<img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/my_ad.jpg" alt="ad"></img>

    I have one widget set to display on the front page only, and that works fine. However if you go to a different page with the settings:
    Show on selected:
    Target URL: pagename/*

    It shows up on every page (except the first)
    any ideas? Thanks so much! I love your widget.

    Here is where adsense_sidebar336.php is being called in sidebar.php

    <div class="sidebarsB">
    	<?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar('sidebarsB') ) : ?>
    		<div class="adsense_sidebar">
    		<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/adsense_sidebar336.php'); ?>
    	<?php endif; ?>


    I’m having the same type of issues.

    I want to the widget to only show on certain pages. Tried using all the suggested naming conventions. Still doesn’t work.

    Works fine if I use “Single post” or “single page”. Tried using a test page to use the “hide” function. That did not work either.

    Any ideas? This is the 3rd web site that I have used your plug-in, in and it’s the first time it hasn’t worked. I used Atahulpha for all the sites I’ve done.

    bmose14, try specifying both:


    The first line will make it show up on that page, while the second one will make it show up on all the child pages.

    gerria, it you’re specifying URL’s, you don’t need to select any other options (either single page or single post).

    The only things that should be selected is either “Show on” or “Hide on”.

    I am having trouble with the widget as well. I must say, it’s easier to use than Widget Logic or Widget Locationizer, but still a little frustrating. I’ve got it working perfectly on 2 pages when specifying the urls, but now I can’t get it to work on another and I’ve tried every possible scenario I can think of. All my widgets from before activating the plugin display on all pages fine. But I’m trying to add another widget to all pages and it’s not working for me.

    I mean, from what I’ve read, it should work if I don’t select anything and say hide on selected. But I can’t get it to even work now if I put the full url in. It’s working on two pages, so I’m gonna leave those alone.. but what the hark is going on?

    spencer, it would help a bit if you posted the URL of your site and general information on which widget you want to display/hide on which pages, as well as all the settings you have specified for those widgets.

    Kasparsd, thanks for the response. I did use just the name (“target Url”) and still did not work. The names of the pages have hyphens so I thought it had something to do with that. I created a test page called “test” and it still did not work.

    As I mentioned, it works fine when I’m choosing something on the the check box side and does not work when I don’t have any checked and only have “Show” on and list a specified page.

    Have you heard of any other reasons why the plug-in may not be recognizing the page name?


    just my 2-cents getting it to work:
    I had to change the permalink config to actually show the pagename in the URL before it would work. This Pagename (in the url) was NOT the name I’ve given the page, or maybe I changed the name somewhere along the way … so don’t get fooled, setup the permalink right, and check the URL to see that the actual pagename wordpress “thinks” it should be ?? cheers !

    To show widget in a specific page you can try this:

    1. 1. Change permalink settings to something other than the default setting.
    • If you want to define the name of your page, first go to Pages>Edit>Quick Edit>Slug and name your page however you like. (Remember to use dashes between words, for example bicycle-news). Then, in Permalink Settings, select Custom Structure and type /%postname%.
    • 2. In the Widget Context box, select Show on selected and in the section or target by URL type bicyles-news' to have the widget appear only on the "Bicycles News" page. As mentioned above, if you want to have the widget appear in the corresponding subpages, then typebicycle-news/*`
    • After I did this I really liked this plug in. Thanks Kasparsd.

    Revision (with apologies):

    To show widget in a specific page you can try this:

    1. Change permalink settings to something other than the default setting.
    • If you want to define the name of your page, first go to Pages>Edit>Quick Edit>Slug and name your page however you like. (Remember to use dashes between words, for example bicycle-news). Then, in Permalink Settings, select Custom Structure and type /%postname%.
    • In the Widget Context box, select Show on selected and in the section or target by URL type bicyles-news to have the widget appear only on the “Bicycles News” page. As mentioned above, if you want to have the widget appear in the corresponding subpages, then type bicycle-news/*.
    • After I did this I really liked this plug in. Thanks Kasparsd.


    Thanks a lot for this plug-in which works perfectly. It’s great.

    I’m using the great Neutica plus from Allan Cole which a child them from Thematic. I used “context widget” to display the “Skype online Status” only on the page “contact us” and it works extremely well.

    As it’s written above you only have to select “Show on selected” and the name of your page on the box “Targeted by Url” the which is on my own website : ?page_id=249

    Thanks a lot kasparsd I will donate for sure.

    PS : if you want to see a demo on my own website https://www.capelsoncie.com and visit the page “Contact Us” where you can find the Skype online status, and only on this page.


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