[Plugin: WooCommerce – excelling eCommerce] Checkout button not showing on Woo commerce product
I have a variable product set up in Woo Commerce and the “add to cart” button is gone. Any ideas on why that has happened?
The page is: https://pdda.org/shop/wristbands/
@sjobidoo What are some modifications that may be needed? I have the Mystile theme, which is supposed to work with Woocommerce and show up on mobile devices, but like I was saying before, it didn’t for me so that’s why I had to install WordPress Mobile Pack plugin.
I’d just think that if something (add to cart) is not showing up with Woocommerce + Mystile (a Wootheme that supports Woocommerce) then adding another third-party plugin (WordPress Mobile Pack) is probably NOT the way to solve it.
Dial it back to the minimum customization you absolutely need, then find the trouble.
Usually when someone says they can’t get add to cart to show up with a variable product, it is because they didn’t set up prices for each variation, but you get full functionality with the same variable product on non-mobile devices.
So the variable that is always there when it fails to show up is that it is being viewed on a mobile device, but only when it is a variable product? Is that right?
Which products are you having issues with specifically, would it be any of the dresses that have multiple sizes available, for example?
Ok here is a thought: I just read a little bit about WordPress Mobile Kit, and it seems to deal with the mobile issue by switching to a different theme
A standard mobile theme, crafted by ribot, a top UK mobile design team.
A set of advanced themes for Nokia and WebKit devices, designed by Forum Nokia. These also look beautiful on Android, iPhone and Palm devices.
So, if these themes are being displayed to mobile users, they are probably NOT optimized for Woocommerce, and were not developed with that consideration at all.
Well what is the way to solve it @citynode? I went with that Mobile Pack because I did not know any other way. Any of the products that have the “Select Options” button on the shop page instead of “Add to Cart” is a variable product. All variable products are able to be added to cart and purchased from a computer or tablet, but not a mobile device (with this Mobile Pack).
The only reason I added the Mobile Pack was because without it none of my site could even be seen except the upper most left corner. I’m assuming Woocommerce nor Mystile was resizing my website for mobile devices and this is why this was happening. Mobile devices couldn’t even scroll around to see anything more than that left corner.
I tried turning off every plugin besides woocommerce and mystile and once again, I could only see the top left corner so it has to be something wrong with them to begin with, but I have no clue what that could be.
Prior to trying Mobile Theme Pack I tried WPTouch and it DID allow variable products to be added to cart and it DID resize the website so it could actually be seen, but all featured images for products wouldn’t show and no resolution was offered from support so I got rid of the plugin.
To clarify: With Mobile Theme Pack you can see all variable and select a variable, but once the variable is selected, the stock and add to cart button does not pop up like it does on a computer so you can’t actually make any purchases.
Well what is the way to solve it @citynode?
Offhand, I would say that if you found any mobile-optimized theme that doesn’t have the problem, even a mobile-only theme, then you could use that as your mobile option with WordPress Mobile Pack.
Otherwise, you might be able to customize your primary theme so that it is at least mobile-responsive.
So you have multiple courses of action:
1. to make Woocommerce and a Woocommerce theme work well enough with mobile devices that Mobile Pack is not needed. I’ve had Woocommerce themes work fairly well with iPhone (the only mobile device I’ve tested) but was not using Mystile.
2. to find a secondary theme that Mobile Pack can use, that doesn’t have the issues with variable items. This causes a doubled workload though, since now you have two themes that you need to maintain for one site.
I have no idea how to customize my primary themes so that it is at least mobile-responsive. What themes have you used that work well? Also, Mobile Pack comes with its own themes, I believe.
Right, the themes that come with mobile pack are probably the culprit here: if you can’t specify your own alternate mobile theme (I haven’t investigated enough to know that) then there is one source of problems.
If you CAN specify your own alternate themes, then you have a route to fix the issue by doing that and by selecting a mobile-responsive theme.
Check it out and let us know what your options are.
@ Sjobidoo: Hi!
I′m pretty new in wordpress too, and happy, I found your discussion about the missing add-to-cart-thing above …
I got the same problem in a slightly different way:
-I use a theme named MUSICA
-I try to make a shop with WoocommerceThe problem is:
When I click the “Select Option” Button in my Catalogue, everything goes Okay …
But when I just click the picture, with variable products, there is no add to cart button on the single-product-page coming thereafter …I tried your tip with the function mytheme etc, – but it didn′t solve it …
Maybe you have an idea?
I′d be very very pleased about ??you can see it here: https://www.tracks4films.com
could you try to turn off the ajax in WooCommerce settings first to see if there’s a conflict here?
I just tried — no, that′s not the problem, no difference if AJAX is enabled or not …
@sqoobadoo – best way is turn off all plugins except woocommerce and re-test. And if that doesn’t resolve it, switch to default 2011/2012 theme and re-test. Report back.
Hi splashingpixels,
thanx for your answear.
I did all that:
1st: Deaktivated all PlugIns exept woocommerce – no difference with the problem2nd: Delete all PlugIns (incl. woocommerce) + delete the MUSICA-theme —
now reinstall Woocommerce & MUSICA — but still no difference with the problemI′m not shure what you mean with “switch to default 2011/2012 theme” ,-
what I did is to download the MUSICA-theme (Released: June 01, 2012) – thats the only version of the theme I can find ….Thanks for finding a solution!
sqoobadoo…. and: I tried out with other themes, there it works ….
… and one more Info: After refreshing the page everything is fine.
-I go to the Shop-Page
-I click the product-image
-On the single-product-page coming now there′s no add-to-cart-button
-I refresh the (single-product-)page, and everything is fine
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