Hi Steve, thanks for your reply.
“Is it posting an image at all – or is it Facebook doing a backwards scrape?”
I’m sorry, but I don’t know. Let me know how to test that and I will get back to you.
Most of the time, no image appears on FB at all. In one case, an image appears that is not related to the post.
The FB-page is https://www.facebook.com/zeldaxlove64com
(All posts up to 12 October at 14:41 were published with the old version of your plugin, all the posts above this date were published with the new version)
“I’d really need to see a full diagnostic trace of a post where it goes wrong – and it will need to be a totally new post as FB will have cached things.”
For the latest post from 23 November 22:15:
American Music Awards (AMAs) 2011-11-24 00:04:12 Looking for addthis.com in https://www.zeldaxlove64.com/wp-content/uploads/amaedit-100x100.png -
American Music Awards (AMAs) 2011-11-24 00:04:12 Looking for gravatar.com in https://www.zeldaxlove64.com/wp-content/uploads/amaedit-100x100.png -
American Music Awards (AMAs) 2011-11-24 00:04:12 Looking for zemanta.com in https://www.zeldaxlove64.com/wp-content/uploads/amaedit-100x100.png -
American Music Awards (AMAs) 2011-11-24 00:04:12 Looking for wp-includes in https://www.zeldaxlove64.com/wp-content/uploads/amaedit-100x100.png -
American Music Awards (AMAs) 2011-11-24 00:04:12 Looking for plugins in https://www.zeldaxlove64.com/wp-content/uploads/amaedit-100x100.png -
American Music Awards (AMAs) 2011-11-24 00:04:12 Looking for favicon.ico in https://www.zeldaxlove64.com/wp-content/uploads/amaedit-100x100.png -
American Music Awards (AMAs) 2011-11-24 00:04:12 Looking for facebook.com in https://www.zeldaxlove64.com/wp-content/uploads/amaedit-100x100.png -
American Music Awards (AMAs) 2011-11-24 00:04:12 Looking for themes in https://www.zeldaxlove64.com/wp-content/uploads/amaedit-100x100.png -
American Music Awards (AMAs) 2011-11-24 00:04:12 Looking for mu-plugins in https://www.zeldaxlove64.com/wp-content/uploads/amaedit-100x100.png -
American Music Awards (AMAs) 2011-11-24 00:04:12 Looking for fbcdn.net in https://www.zeldaxlove64.com/wp-content/uploads/amaedit-100x100.png?
Is this what you need?
The image selected in this post’s “Featured Image” settings (right-hand-site in WordPress post-editor) is https://www.zeldaxlove64.com/wp-content/uploads/amaedit.png.
It would be much appreciated if this problem could be solved.