• This works:

    //You instantiate the query object much as you would a WordPress query
    $queryObject = new WEC_Query(‘calendarID=xx’);

    //Start the loop
    while($queryObject->haveEvents()): $queryObject->the_event(); ?>
    <?php $queryObject->theDate(); ?>
    <?php $queryObject->eventTitle(); ?>
    <?php $queryObject->eventDescription(); ?>

    //End the loop
    endwhile; ?>

    The sample provided in the documentation had a small error.

    $queryObject = new WEC_Query(‘calendarID=xx’); calendarID=xx is whatever the ID of your calendar is. I think you can also leave this out altogetherl.

    I like the calendar. It handles recurrence well and seems to work well enough.


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  • Where did you find documentation? There was none in the zip file I downloaded and link to the author’s web site goes to an empty page.

    There is documentation in Options->Events-> documentation

    Definitely not a plug and play calendar. While it has some great functionality, you need to be prepared to do some serious theme coding to get this to work like a normal calendar (front end). Using the code above, you can output a line-by-line listing of events, but most people are looking for a nice calendar type format with some styling, etc. This plugin has a ways to go.

    It really is too bad that there are NO good calendars for WordPress. Seriously… How long as WordPress been around? And no decent calendars?

    Even though the documentation could need some improvement, I believe this plugin is excellent! I really want to thank the developers for sharing this plugin with the WordPress community.

    I’m going to see if I can format it in the calendar format. If I can pull it off well I will post the code here.

    Kind of have to be joking with the whole theme integration part. Like anyone (or almost anyone) is going to deal with that. Activate and use…that’s how it needs to be, plain and simple.

    And ditto to mwbarker’s comment. How can it possibly be that every WordPress calendar either sucks or isn’t ready for prime time????

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