[Plugin: WordPress Flash Uploader] Multisite upload path
We are planning to use the Flash Uploader plugin on our multisite, but now something unexpected happens: the upload isn’t uploaded in the expected folder, actually I can’t find it anywhere, but the uploader acts as if everything was alright. No error messages, the images is quadrupled in different sizes, and it it added to the Media Library.
When I then look in the Media Library, it is there, but no image to be viewed. Then I edit it, and see at File URL:
But in the settings I have at Upload Path:
/home/testuser/domain/public_html_cgn/images/cose/Am I not using the right settings?
I changed the Upload Url Path to ‘cose_upload_url_path/’, but that did nothing, nor did changing the Fileupload Url to ‘https://cose.domain/fileupload_url/’.
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