Guys, I’m newbie in this kind of trics, so I would like to get some help.
Template Name: Form Manager Default
Template Description: The default template for e-mail notifications and summaries
Template Type: email, summary
Below are the functions that can be used within a summary template:
fm_summary_the_title() - the title of the form
fm_summary_have_items() - works like have_posts() for wordpress themes. Returns 'true' if there are more items left in the form.
fm_summary_the_item() - works like the_item() for wordpress themes. Initializes the current form item.
fm_summary_the_label() - label of the current form item
fm_summary_the_type() - type of the current form item (text, textarea, checkbox, custom_list, note, separator, recaptcha, file)
fm_summary_has_data() - returns true if the form element is a data element (as opposed to a separator, note, etc.)
fm_summary_the_value() - submitted value of the current form item
fm_summary_the_timestamp() - timestamp for the current submission
fm_summary_the_user() - the login name for the current user. If no user is logged in, this returns an empty string.
fm_summary_the_IP() - the IP address of the user who submitted the form.
fm_summary_the_nickname() - the current item's nickname
fm_summary_get_item_label($nickname) - get an item's label by nickname
fm_summary_get_item_value($nickname) - get an item's value by nickname
*NOTE: 'Summary' templates can also be used for e-mails. Notice that under 'Template Type', both 'email' and 'summary' are listed. If you want to make a template for e-mail notifications only, then you should only put 'email' under 'Template Type'.
<?php /* The title of the form */ ?>
<?php /* The user's first and last name, if there is a logged in user */ ?>
<?php /* The code below displays each form element, in order, along with the submitted data. */ ?>
<ul id="fm-summary">
<?php while(fm_summary_have_items()): fm_summary_the_item(); ?>
<?php if(fm_summary_the_type() == 'separator'): ?>
<hr />
<?php elseif(fm_summary_has_data()): ?>
<li<?php if(fm_summary_the_nickname() != "") echo " id=\"fm-item-".fm_summary_the_nickname()."\"";?>><?php echo fm_summary_the_label();?>: <strong><?php echo fm_summary_the_value();?></strong></li>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
This is my fm-summary-default.php
Where I have to paste this code and what is ‘whatever’?