• Hi,
    I’am reinstalling my site after a hacking problem…https://neurorgs.net
    I’ve just come to import a XML file (length 5.5 MB) with all my post, tags, ….
    This file was generated 2 weeks ago, with the export tool included with wordpress version 3.3.1.
    Prior to lunch importer pluggin (version 0.6) i’ve uploaded all my images and attachement files to the same place than they were before.
    I haven’t checked option “download attachments” due to the fact that they are already in their place.
    But after the import process finish I’ve got a lot errors like:
    Failed to import Multimedia…
    results my Multimedia is empty .
    The post, tags, pages, etc were imported correctly and in the post/pages.
    I could see the images in the post (because the images are in their correct place…), but all the setting regarding the image thumbnail, theme (image thumbnail, reduced version, a woothemes, headlines theme version 3.1.1), etc… have not been managed well.
    I repeated the procedure 3 times with same results (every time with a new fresh wordpress installation….)
    This is a big problems because if I dont find a way to link properly my images I have to reedit all the post and pages in order to link properly to the multimedia center…

    Any help????
    Thanks a lot???
    Jesus Ortega


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  • I have had the same problem, posted twice about it, so far, no response.




    I am having trouble with the PlugIn as well. Frustrated that it is so hard to get answers and the FAQ on the PlugIn itself is fairly lacking.

    There must be another way to import data other than this PlugIn. I am trying to find a way to split my file – I was directed to WPSplitter but the PlugIn would not install.

    I am wondering if WordPress makes it hard so that you have to pay them to do this for the $99 or whatever it is. Sorry to say but the lack of info and help on this issue – and only one way via this PlugIn with little data and so many problems – makes me suspect.

    I’m hoping at some point the plugin author, (www.ads-software.com) will notice the issue and fix it. I am used to developing complete sites in a “development” area, then exporting the whole thing to the client’s site, that way the down time is only limited to the time of the WP install, and uploads, now this problem totally screws up this process!

    On my last install, (thankfully not for a client!) I had noticed that it kept the links to the images that were back on my MAMP server where the development was done. The path was https://localhost/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/DSC_2091.jpg, when it should have been https://www.thebikersgarage.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/DSC_2091.jpg, my fix was to upload the images to the media library and manually edit the links. Fortunately I didn’t have a lot of images, but if this had been a client’s site with over one hundred images, oh my!

    I hope someone notices this soon and gets it fixed, the way it is now, I’m going to have issues making new sites for clients! Perhaps if more people tagged it as “broken” on the plugin page, it might get some attention.




    Interesting. I hear you re: client vs. your own site!

    It already has not the greatest rating but I will add in a rating. It’s really a person’s only option which is the problem I think. Then there seems to be so little data to correct problems with it out there. I too have the same problem where images didn’t show up and the list of “failed media” disappeared — there are 800 posts to go through; I don’t know which ones it happened with. I’ve been told to re-import and split up my wp data. I don’t know if that’s the issue but that’s the best advice I’ve gotten. However the ‘splitter’ plugin wouldn’t upload.

    Anyway, yes! I hope this gets more attention and is fixed. Right now that certainly encourages people to pay the $100 to have WP do it which isn’t really fair.

    Good luck!

    So Cat, are you exporting from a wordpress.com blog? 800 posts is quite a bit to go through! I am thinking the problem might be on the export side, or the import side, I have thought of a way to test it, but have not done so, busy with other things. Here is my thinking on a test, you can download previous versions from the WP .org site, I would delete the version you have then upload the previous version and try importing your exported XTML file with it, if it did not work, I would try again with the next previous version and so on, if none of them worked, then it is the export function that is the problem. I do not think there is anything that can be done on wordpress.com about the plugin version, but, if your blog was self hosted, I would do the same test in the reverse, exporting until you find one that works. The only difference in the test would be I would match versions in the sending and receiving end. This plugin was working until just recently, surely one of the earlier versions will do the trick.

    I do not think WordPress intentionally caused this problem just to make money, I sure it’s just a case of someone getting a little too code happy with the bells and whistles! LOL!




    Hi T.,
    Thanks for this tip! Yes, I am trying to export from a wordpress.com blog to self hosted wp.org. Do I leave the data that’s already imported at the site ‘there’? — I’m not certain how I *would* get rid of it but there are posts up (it’s not ‘live’) just missing media (not a lot from what I can tell but some).

    Do you think it’s an issue of the material needing to be split up? (I did increase the file size at my site so that’s not the issue.) Sounds like you don’t which is good because I’d rather not worry about that.

    I’m happy to try your method – but wondering do I just leave the material that’s already imported ‘there’ and will it just ‘fill it in?’

    Thanks so much!

    I have been in contact with Matt Mullenweg about this issue, he has had one of his folks “Otto” contact me, I have passed along the links pertaining to the problem, hopefully, there will be some help soon. WP has a great community, always willing to help, love it!

    Cat, it is possible to leave it there, being the type I am, I would delete it and start fresh, but lets see if there is some help from WP first. Where you have missing images check the path and look for errors similar to my above post, that will give you a better idea of what is going on.


    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    If you’re trying to import from one live site to another site, then a) leave the original content “up” until the import is done, and b) yes, check the download attachments box. You don’t need to move the media yourself. It will do that for you.

    If you’re developing on a local site or something like that, then the importer won’t be able to get your image attachments and such no matter what you do. See, your images are not in the XML file. The download attachments thingy will go and retrieve them from their original site, create the proper attachment posts for them, change the linkages, etc. You can’t manually copy the images to the new site and expect it to work, because it just won’t. WordPress stores more about an image than its filename.



    T, that is great! Wow. Nice.

    My original message was as such: Content Encoding Error

    The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    When I first wrote at wp.org they told me it had to do not with wordpress but with my server.

    I’ve had so many back and forths at this point. The most cohesive advise I got was to re-import. Except when I last tried, it would not let me do so. Oh — I forgot about that already! I couldn’t seem to get a clear answer from *anyone* about that. But I’m willing to try with an older version – just not sure whether to leave material there or not. Totally hear what you are saying.

    If you get more info, that would be great. I don’t know if we’ve had to same problem or not. Not sure what to do.

    Thanks! — & good luck.



    Hi Otto,

    Thanks so much for your response. I guess we posted at the same time – just seeing what you wrote. It sounds like either way I should click download attachments — I did not do that the first time around which is probably where the problem began.

    When I next tried to re-import a week or so ago and clicked the download files and attachments, I got a message that there was an “internal error or misconfiguration.” It wouldn’t do anything – so I’m not sure what will happen this time or why that happened.

    Also not sure if it’s considered a ‘live’ site. I still have my wp.com site which is up and domain mapped to a URL. I’ve been designing the site via an IP address which it will point to once its done instead of wp.com.

    Thanks for helping me get closer to a resolution!

    Been MIA for a few days….. sorry…. I did want to follow up, Cat, did you get your blog content moved ok??




    Hi T,

    Thanks so much for checking back.

    I was a little confused by Otto’s response and then no reply to my additional questions so I wasn’t sure what to do. He wasn’t saying to use previous versions but just to re-import which I had already tried which is why you suggested trying older versions of the PlugIn.

    I guess I’ll take your advice. It’s been a bit hectic so I hadn’t had the ‘space’ to go back to it.





    Oh and I think Otto thought I was asking – in relation to leaving the material ‘up’ – whether to leave the material on the wp.com site (he said yes) when we were referring to the material that already uploaded on the new site. And importing again in addition to that (leaving it there).

    I’m not sure how to delete the material that is already imported and yet I’m a little worried about importing over it – but I guess I’ll give it a try.




    One more thing – I don’t see a way to download the WordPress Importer PlugIn 0.5.2 which was the previous version. I googled it. It’s not on the PlugIn site. Are you able to find previous versions once a new one becomes available? I’ll do some more searching…



    Hey Cat, I know, you are busy writing your book…

    Ok, you have a lot going on as far as issues, but, I will try and cover them.

    I think more knowledge about the basics of WP might help overall, a good source is https://www.lynda.com they have several courses on WP, everything from the basics to advanced, it’s $25.00 USD per month. You will need the training, a self hosted blog requires more work with plugins, theme management, and a big one security. There are also courses on Google Analytics and other Google product, site SEO, all very valuable to a self hosted site! There are rewards to having a self hosted site, (money) but it is also a lot of work, for a lot of people WP.com is ideal because they take care of all that stuff for you, I would say if you are committed to moving from WP.com, education is an essential, it was for me.

    Don’t bother trying to locate an earlier version of Importer, the current version is not broken. Just try re-importing your content, it should overwrite what is already there, just make sure you check that box to down load your media, and yes, your other site on WP needs to still be live. I f you want to delete your content, go to your posts and pages admin panels, check all, then from the bulk settings select trash, or delete, I can’t remember which it is… but, it’s simple, oh, and don’t forget to empty your trash.

    If you get that error message again, contact your host’s technical service for help, I am hosted at Go Daddy, they have excellent service! if you are not on Go Daddy, move! BTW….. WP runs best on a Linux server, make sure you are on Linux, they say a Windows server is just as good…… SURE it is…. LOL!


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