I’m running WP 3.4.2, with WooThemes Gazette 2.9.14 and WooFramework 5.4.2, and using Jetpack 1.9.2 and Yoast WordPress SEO, on six different sites. One, the busiest, is at HostGator. The other five are all at WebHero.
I have had no problems at any time with the blank pages appearance at HostGator. Until Jetpack upgraded from 1.9.0, I had no problems at WebHero either. Blank pages as described in other posts here began occurring at our WebHero hosted sites after JetPack upgraded beyond 1.9.0.
WebHero’s support solution was to deactivate JetPack. I no longer have the blank pages problems on any of the five, but I also have lost all JetPack functionality, including WP Stats.
I have no idea why the entire package runs well on one web host and not another, but it’s worth investigating. For those who need an immediate fix, JetPack deactivation seemed to be the answer.