• WordPress version: 3.4.1
    WordPress SEO version: 1.2.5

    I did this: Uncheck the “Disable the author archives” box in SEO -> Title and Metas -> Other

    I expected the plugin to do this: To enable author pages for each author (author.php).I also tried clearing Wp-cache many times.

    Instead it did this: The plugin still redirects author page links to homepage even after unchecking the respective settings box

    Site i am referring to : https://shrewdgeek.com


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  • If you’re comfortable editing in the database, the same solution from matthiaswh will work for you. The date-based is in the same place in the wp_options table and it’s right after the disable-author part.

    Hello I have the same problem

    After you untick the author archive option, you might try nuking your browser cache. In my case, Firefox/Mac hung on to the redirect for some reason.

    Thanks, but tried that numerous times. Did not work.

    matthiaswh: your solution worked for me. Thanks.

    I agree with others that this is not a good solution for someone who doesn’t know how to manipulate the back-end database of WordPress, but it does work if you know how to do it.

    This bug needs fixing.

    Has anyone actually received any support from the plugin developer?

    If you only want the author tag to appear on the blog posts and removed from all other pages such as home page, contact us etc… Then here is a quick fix.

    (1). Open class-frontend.php (wordpress-seo/frontend)
    (2). Search for: “public function author() {“
    (3). Around Line 757
    (4). Replace “is_singular()” to “is_single()” (without quotes)

    Now your author link will only appear on individual blog posts rather than on every page on your site.

    For those that don’t know how to use mysql, put the following in your function.php

    $options = get_option( 'wpseo' );
    update_option( 'wpseo', $options );

    It will permanetly make sure author pages are enabled.

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