• AngryMetalGuy


    I’m about to explode from frustration. I’ve been having issues with the OG stuff on Facebook. That effing website refuses to grab meta information. I started using Yoast SEO fairly recently and it was pointed out to me (when they invalidated my effing bug report) that in the posts I’ve got two sets of OG tags. I have no idea where the second one is coming from. I’ve disabled everything and I can’t find it. I’m not a developer, I’m just a dude who wants to be able to share links on FB. Can someone please help me?

    Here’s the header in question:

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    Help? Please? I’m going to explode.


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  • Thread Starter AngryMetalGuy


    OK. I actually went into my functions.php and managed to not blow up the whole thing and took out the redundant OG tags. But now I’m confused as to why Facebook isn’t scraping any of this information. Does anyone have any clue what the hell is going on here?

    Sorry if I seem a bit desperate, but I’ve been screwing with this for several months and no one seems to be willing to answer my questions or help me.



    If you’ve got a Facebook Page, it might be easier to just just RSS Graffiti. It’s real simple to use and it’s an app

    RSS Graffiti app

    All you do it just put in your site’s feed (just put the word /feed/ in after your web address and you can set how many posts to publish on your Facebook Page and how often you want it to check your site for new posts to publish.

    I’m not sure where Yoast is (although I see that he did a Q&A on Facebook last week) so that fix could probably save you some headaches.

    AngryMetalGuy – sometimes you need to give Facebook a heads-up that your site has new OG tags. Go to this page and enter the URL of your site:


    It not only gives you an analysis of the state of your OG tags on that page, but it also acts like the “submit to Google” feature by submitting your page to Facebook. You have to give it some time to update, then check if it recognizes your OG tags.

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