I have the same issue, and even if it’s something NextGen did wrong, it was never an issue until these recent updates to this plugin. Plus Joost you tend to be more responsive, so if you can help us sort this out, it would be most appreciated.
I don’t really code, but I can typically work through problems and solve them eventually, but it just takes me way more time than someone who knows that they are doing. I’ve narrowed the problem down to the change in the sitemap_url function, and specifically it looks like the change from
foreach( $url[‘images’] as $src => $img ) {
foreach ( $url[‘images’] as $img ) {
and corresponding : htmlspecialchars( $src )
which is now : esc_html( $img[‘src’]
When I swapped in the OLD function from 1.2.2, the sitemap images loc from NextGen works again. However the standard post images display 1,2,3,4 instead of their URL.
So my guess is that something changed in the array somehow and your new function is pulling from an empty position in NextGen’s generated array somehow? So assuming you don’t want to edit your plugin, we need to figure out how to modify the NextGen sitemap.php to fix this issue. It’s a very small file, and relatively easy to understand I assume. So I’ll just paste it in here.
class nggSitemaps {
var $images = false;
* nggSitemaps::__construct()
* @return
function __construct() {
add_filter('wpseo_sitemap_urlimages', array( &$this, 'add_wpseo_xml_sitemap_images'), 10, 2);
* Filter support for WordPress SEO by Yoast 0.4.0 or higher ( https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/wordpress-seo/ )
* @since Version 1.8.0
* @param array $images
* @param int $post ID
* @return array $image list of all founded images
function add_wpseo_xml_sitemap_images( $images, $post_id ) {
$this->images = $images;
// first get the content of the post/page
$p = get_post($post_id);
// Backward check for older images
$p->post_content = NextGEN_Shortcodes::convert_shortcode($p->post_content);
// Don't process the images in the normal way
// We cannot parse at this point a album, just galleries & single images
add_shortcode( 'singlepic', array(&$this, 'add_images' ) );
add_shortcode( 'thumb', array(&$this, 'add_images' ) );
add_shortcode( 'nggallery', array(&$this, 'add_gallery') );
add_shortcode( 'imagebrowser', array(&$this, 'add_gallery' ) );
add_shortcode( 'slideshow', array(&$this, 'add_gallery' ) );
// Search now for shortcodes
do_shortcode( $p->post_content );
return $this->images;
* Parse the gallery/imagebrowser/slideshow shortcode and return all images into an array
* @param string $atts
* @return
function add_gallery( $atts ) {
global $wpdb;
'id' => 0
), $atts ));
// backward compat for user which uses the name instead, still deprecated
if( !is_numeric($id) )
$id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare ("SELECT gid FROM $wpdb->nggallery WHERE name = '%s' ", $id) );
$images = nggdb::get_gallery($id, 'pid', 'ASC', true, 1000);
foreach ($images as $image) {
$src = $image->imageURL;
$newimage = array();
if ( !empty($image->title) )
$newimage['title'] = $image->title;
if ( !empty($image->alttext) )
$newimage['alt'] = $image->alttext;
$this->images[$src] = $newimage;
$nggSitemaps = new nggSitemaps();
Any help from anyone is appreciated.