• For some reason this error is coming up with the “Fix It” button and will not fix this issue. I went ahead and deleted the line it’s suggesting is causing the issue and still no luck. I was using this theme on the previous plugin version as well without an issue. Now seems to be causing this.

    Your theme contains a meta description, which blocks WordPress SEO from working properly, please delete the following line, or press fix it:
    <meta name="description" content="<?php bloginfo( 'description' ); ?>" />

    Many thanks,


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  • Same here <meta name=”description” content=”<?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?>” /> !!

    I get <meta name=”description” content=”<?php echo strip_tags(get_the_excerpt()); ?>” />

    I got a similar error too. But, the first time I installed the plugin, the FIX IT button worked. Then I had to disable it and do some other work to my site files … one of which involved placing the original header.php file back on the server. So, now the FIX IT button will not work.

    What fixed the problem for me is to remove the header.php.wpseobak file from the server. Once I did that, the FIX IT button worked.

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