• I am using WordPress Seo by Yoast plugin for my site. I appreciate Yoast for this plugin.

    I have turkish website.but Focus Keyword do not complete suggestions.I remember, this function had been working old version of this plugin.

    I had tried other language keyword for testing. So far it is not working.

    I looked for in plugin code.I found this code for this function.
    function wpseo_get_suggest() {
    check_ajax_referer( ‘wpseo-get-suggest’ );

    $term = urlencode( $_GET[ ‘term’ ] );
    $result = wp_remote_get( ‘https://www.google.com/complete/search?output=toolbar&q=’ . $term );

    preg_match_all( ‘/suggestion data=”([^”]+)”\/>/u’, $result[ ‘body’ ], $matches );

    $return_arr = array();

    foreach ( $matches[ 1 ] as $match ) {
    $return_arr[ ] = html_entity_decode( $match, ENT_COMPAT, “UTF-8” );
    echo json_encode( $return_arr );

    what can I get turkish suggestions?


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