• I’ve been reading all the posts and lots of other items and I just can’t get the meta description to show. I’m newbie 101 here so go easy ?? The plug-in is awesome and really is teaching me so I’d like it to be 100%

    My header looked like this
    ‘<title><?php wp_title(”); ?><?php if(wp_title(”, false)) { echo ‘ |’; } ?> <?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></title>’

    and I changed it to:
    ‘<title><?php wp_title(”); ?></title>’

    I have the forced rewrite of titles checked

    I am using a New WP theme called Ecosmo and my site is https://www.chelliesworld.com

    I changed my meta keyword for posts to ‘%%excerpt%%’

    I’d so appreciate if you could please look at my site and give me some detailed trouble shooting steps to follow. Tx a bunch.


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