• using on my multisite- and set up one blog – its rocking! But it took me a long time to set up all the settings…

    now trying to import the settings to set up a new blog and getting this msg?

    Settings could not be imported: Upload failed.

    found a few old threads 3-4 months old and seems has been a challenge for a bit – but I dont see a solution -oh please say there is a fix?

    I am trying to upload settings.zip – not importing from previous seo plugin


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  • Thread Starter talynndar


    bumping hoping for help here!

    I am having the same problem.

    You did not change the name for the default file did you. I just tried an upload and it worked fine moving the settings from one site to a different site.
    The default file to move is a zip file named “settings”.

    Hope it helps.

    Nope no changes to the file name. I just tried again, though, and the upload succeeded BUT there were no changes to my settings.

    This is strange indeed.

    So, you did have entrys in the original plugin file from the original site? Yes.
    But these check marks do not make it to the NEW site? I’m I right?

    Yes, that is correct. I even looked at the export file and verified that the export was valid.

    Try un-zipping the “settings” file inside a folder on your computer.
    It will look like :

    ignore_blog_public_warning =
    ignore_page_comments =
    ignore_permalink =
    ms_defaults_set =
    usemetakeywords = “on”
    googleverify =
    yahooverify =
    msverify =
    version = “1.0.3”

    But it is all in one line kind of. Do you see the changes you made to certain entry’s like; usemetakeywords = “on” <<<if you made this change to Use Meta Keywords with a check mark.

    I should have said, un-zip it and open it in a simple text editor like notepad.
    It’s an .ini file and the lines run together. If you copy the open .ini file and then paste it in a Word editor the lines are normal and more readable.

    I will post it below. Thank you so much for your help!

    ; This is a settings export file for the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast.com – https://yoast.com/wordpress/seo/

    ignore_blog_public_warning =
    ignore_page_comments =
    ignore_permalink =
    ms_defaults_set =
    usemetakeywords = “on”
    googleverify =
    yahooverify =
    msverify =
    version = “1.0.3”

    ignore_blog_public_warning =
    ignore_page_comments =
    ignore_permalink =
    ms_defaults_set =
    fb_pageid =
    fb_adminid =
    fb_appid =
    search = “on”
    noindexauthor = “on”
    noindexdate = “on”
    noindextag = “on”
    nofollowmeta = “on”
    nofollowcommentlinks = “on”
    replacemetawidget = “on”
    disableauthor = “on”

    ignore_blog_public_warning =
    ignore_page_comments =
    ignore_permalink =
    ms_defaults_set =
    trailingslash = “on”
    redirectattachment = “on”
    force_transport = “default”
    cleanpermalink-extravars =

    ignore_blog_public_warning =
    ignore_page_comments =
    ignore_permalink =
    ms_defaults_set =
    title-home = “Backdoor Survival Prepping Tips Tools and Preparedness Lifestyle”
    metadesc-home = “Survival tools and tips for creating a stylish, sustainable and frugal preparedness lifestyle using self-reliance and optimism.

    metakey-home = “Survival blog, emergency food storage, self-reliant lifestyle, preparedness lifestyle, urban survival skills”
    title-post = “%%title%%”
    metadesc-post = “%%excerpt%%

    metakey-post = “%%focuskw%%, %%tag%%”
    title-page = “%%title%% – %%sitename%%”
    metadesc-page = “%%excerpt%%

    metakey-page = “%%focuskw%%, %%tag%%”
    title-attachment = “%%title%% – %%sitename%%”
    metadesc-attachment = “%%caption%%”
    metakey-attachment = “%%focuskw%%, %%tag%%”
    title-category = “%%term_title%% – %%sitename%%”
    metadesc-category = “%%category_description%%”
    metakey-category = “%%term_title%%”
    title-post_tag = “%%term_title%% – %%sitename%%”
    metadesc-post_tag = “%%tag_description%%”
    metakey-post_tag = “%%term_title%%”
    title-author = “%%name%% – %%sitename%%”
    metadesc-author = “Author Profile of %%name%% at %%sitename%%”
    metakey-author = “%%name%%, %%sitename%%”
    title-archive =
    metadesc-archive =
    title-search = “%%searchphrase%% – %%sitename%%”
    title-404 = “Page not found – %%sitename%%”

    ignore_blog_public_warning =
    ignore_page_comments =
    ignore_permalink =
    ms_defaults_set =
    commentfeeds = “on”
    pingfeed = “on”
    rssbefore =
    rssafter = “%%POSTLINK%% was brought to you by %%BLOGLINK%%.”

    ignore_blog_public_warning =
    ignore_page_comments =
    ignore_permalink =
    ms_defaults_set =
    breadcrumbs-enable = “on”
    breadcrumbs-sep = “»”
    breadcrumbs-home = “Backdoor Survival”
    breadcrumbs-prefix = “Your are here:”
    breadcrumbs-archiveprefix = “Archives for:”
    breadcrumbs-searchprefix = “You searched for:”
    breadcrumbs-404crumb = “Page Not Found:”
    post_types-post-maintax = “category”
    breadcrumbs-boldlast = “on”

    ignore_blog_public_warning =
    ignore_page_comments =
    ignore_permalink =
    ms_defaults_set =
    xml_include_images = “on”
    xml_ping_google = “on”
    xml_ping_bing = “on”
    xml_ping_yahoo = “on”
    xml_ping_ask = “on”
    taxonomies-post_tag-not_in_sitemap = “on”

    Are you using “WordPress multisite’s” ?
    If not, and you do have Yoast SEO installed on the New site right?
    When you go into the plugin’s admin page and at the bottom where it reads SEO/ Import & Export. Then under Import at the bottom. Click “Browse” to find the file you saved. Then click “Import Settings”.
    I guess these are the steps you are taking?
    Do you know your way around your webhost’s cPanel?

    Just double checking that we are on the same page per say.

    I whent to your site: https://www.backdoorsurvival.com/ and it shows that <!– / Yoast WordPress SEO plugin. –>
    is running.
    Is this the Old or the New site?

    Affirmative to all questions other than my host uses the Helm Control Panel rather than cPanel. (I am an old Cobol programmer – an antique – so yes, pretty technical in my basic understanding.)

    Backdoor Survival is the old site. The new site is https://www.strategic-living.net.


    On the new site when I “View Source” i do see the entry for Yoast SEO.
    Are you using a Cache plugin? If so, do a flush and empty all the caches files. Maybe it held up some how.?

    It might also be some security plugin stopping the upload?

    What Theme are you using? Could there be some other gremlins at work in your setup? Try and re-download then re-upload the setting file again.

    If all else fails, I hope someone else checks this post. I am not sure after this.

    Hi Gaye,
    As to the cpanel, I could not find a direct listing for the uploaded settings file on my sites cpanel. So don’t know how to check it yet.

    Or if syntex error then GoSub.

    I like you sites. A lot of people will be in trouble if the power goes off. Then where is Google…


    Okay, deleted the cache – no change. I use the Weaver theme on both sites. I performed a similar export and import of my theme settings when I first brought up Strategic Living.

    I checked the settings.ini on S-L by loading it in to a text file and clearly there was no change – just the default setting appear.

    You did give me an idea. I think I will delete the settings.ini file from my control panel and see if I can do an import instead of a rewrite. Perhaps that is the issue. Stay tuned.

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