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  • I have the same problem.

    Plugin Contributor Joost de Valk


    Which version of WordPress SEO are you using?

    Thread Starter davidpauldoyle


    I have 1.1.3 installed. I thought it was the latest since I haven’t been prompted to upgrade the plug-in within WordPress. I was under the impression that I would be automatically prompted to upgrade the plug-in when a new update was released. I just noticed that the latest version is 1.1.6. However, I don’t see any upgrade instructions. If I download the latest version and simply copy the new folder to the plug-ins directory, will I lose my current settings/ configuration? How do I upgrade from 1.1.3 to 1.1.6 without losing my current settings?

    Thank you.

    Plugin Contributor Joost de Valk


    You won’t loose any settings. The stopword removal functionality was broken and will be re-fixed in 1.1.7, probably out later this week, I just committed it to the development version.

    Thread Starter davidpauldoyle


    Wonderful. Thank you.

    Plugin Contributor Joost de Valk


    It’s going out today ??

    Thread Starter davidpauldoyle


    Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. I had other developments going on with my blog and I couldn’t really test anything until some of the issues were resolved. I’m not 100% sure if it’s working or not. What is the best way to test?

    For example, I have 2 blog posts that are currently in draft format. The title of one is: In Giving We Receive

    The URL is:

    I would have thought that some of those little words would’ve been removed as stop words.

    Another draft blog post has this title: The Constancy of God’s Love

    The URL is: /the-constancy-of-gods-love/

    I don’t see any stopwords being removed in these 2 examples. So how can I tell if the plug-in is working? It doesn’t seem to be in these examples.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter davidpauldoyle


    I just posted a blog post.

    The title of the post is: The Difference Between Jesus and the Holy Spirit

    Within the WordPress admin for that post, that title was listed at the top of the page and in the SEO Title area below the blog post. However, I had to manually edit the perm link to shorten the URL. The stopwords were not automatically removed. Before manually changing it, and this is after repeatedly saving the draft blog post, the URL was:

    /community/the difference-between-jesus-and-the-holy-spirit/

    So I decided to remove the words “the”at the beginning and the middle of the URL. I decide to keep the word “and” in there. But it didn’t look like any stopwords were automatically being removed. So in this initial test, it doesn’t seem like this update removed any stopwords.

    Was I supposed to do something specifically to have the stop words removed?

    I am experiencing same issue as @davidpauldoyle.

    Tested on 3 sites running WordPress SEO version 1.2.5.

    a) WordPress 3.4.1; Thesis 1.8.2
    b) WordPress 3.4; Thesis 1.8.5
    c) WordPress 3.3.1; Simple, stripped-down custom theme.

    Joost – any insight or suggestions?

    Same problem here — using 3.4.1. Just installed your SEO plugin for the first time. I also just created a new post with stop words in the title, but the slug it created for me still had those stop words in them…

    Me too.

    WordPress 3.5.1
    WordPress SEO 1.4.7

    Example title: AWS VPN Cisco ASA and SLA Monitor
    Example slug: aws-vpn-cisco-asa-and-sla-monitor
    Example URL:

    Thanks for the plugin! Any thoughts on this? It seems like many others are having the issue as well.

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