[Plugin: WordPress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart] Beware of Ruhul Amin from www.tipsandtricks-hq.com
We purchased the premium version of this plugin called WP eStore as well as the Membership plugin back in October 2011, costing $69.
When I joined his support forum, I noticed that a lot of members where BLOCKED, yet, it seems they were great contributors and helpful to the community.
A couple of days ago, he BLOCKED me from his forum, for absolutely no reason.
I haven’t logged in for about two months, and in between, I had been receiving emails from him and a certain “Ivy” which I believe are the same person, according to the emails I receive. All I did a couple of days, was posting a reply to one post, praising a new feature (silly me) and asked if we could get automated updates, the other question was about the Ajax request for the Add to Cart button which is according to him, on his “to do” list.Ruhul Amin should be investigated, he is definitely not fit for business practices, and should not be allowed to use the WordPress platform to advertise is rotten services.
Back in 2009 I helped/advised Ruhul Amin with the development of this plugin, and I have emails to prove it. He wanted to credit me on his website, and you can read in the emails that he was going to implement the many features I suggested.
He even wanted to follow my tweets on Tweeter!He deleted my old posts from 2009 on this blog, for the obvious reason!!!
You can check it out, I was “SuperFist Funk”, he only kept one post, unrelated to the development of his WP eStore. So you won’t see anything like” Oh thank you, great, I will do that etc…”Ruhul Amin uses people and get rid of them like old socks, in my experience.
I believe he uses aliases such as “Ivy” and “Peter”.I even contributed positively on his forum lately.
When I asked some advise on the forum, regarding a template / style, he came back with a CODE that BROKE my site… He never apologised, he never replied and never fixed it.
I sent him an email promising that he was going to get the publicity he deserves and will eventually post the emails publicly.
Ruhul Amin from https://www.tipsandtricks-hq.com has made himself some enemies, which is bad business practice, especially on the Internet.
One more thing, when I contacted Ruhul Amin via email around September / October, before purchasing the bundle, he ignored me completely, he never replied.
I told myself, well, it doesn’t matter, I am still going to buy the plugins anyway, after all, there are leeches everywhere on the net.Eventually, AFTER the purchase, when he did reply, he never apologise for ignoring me, and pretended that he didn’t know me…
I suggest you do not delete this post, potential customers need to be warned, and they need to know who is Ruhul Amin.
He also has some stupid post on his blog, saying that people should be careful using FREE plugins, because their is a catch, like potential malware and “call back home” (he seems to know a lot about it). Says who… the man himself, who bug EVERYONE on his forum to ask where is their website located… So there is NO PRIVACY really.
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