• Hi,
    having tried ALL the tooltip plugins for a finance glossary, I’ve seen this is the nicest and simplier to use. Thanks Tomas!

    I add a tip.
    I had to highlight only the 1st occurance of the page/article, because of words repetition.

    in the tooltips.php page:

    { $content = preg_replace(“/(\W)(“.$m_keyword.”)(?![^<|^\[]*[>|\]])(\W)/is”,”\\1″.”<span class=’classtoolTips$m_keyword_id’ style=’border-bottom:2px dotted #888;’>”.”\\2″.”</span>”.”\\3″,$content); }

    I added 1 after the content:

    { $content = preg_replace(“/(\W)(“.$m_keyword.”)(?![^<|^\[]*[>|\]])(\W)/is”,”\\1″.”<span class=’classtoolTips$m_keyword_id’ style=’border-bottom:2px dotted #cc0000;’>”.”\\2″.”</span>”.”\\3″,$content, 1);}


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  • Plugin Author Tomas



    Thanks for use this plugin and this updates. ??

    I just published the newest version 1.0.4 to www.ads-software.com, now it support remove keywords in back end and so on.

    It seems what you need is change the style of popup tips? If so I will add new feature for change style in back end at next version.

    Also, not sure do you meaning: you only hope the first word to added tooltips?

    Could you please tell me your URL of finance glossary? So I can understand users’ requirement more. ??

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter l@lettrice


    I updated your version and thanks for the deleting tool.
    I mean I want only the 1st word in the page with a tooltip.
    And I modified even this version =)

    In this page only the 1st occurrance of “PMI” word needs a tooltip, not the others. And same thing for the word “de minimis” etc…

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