• Hey all,

    Long story short.

    I had to disable all my plugins for an unrelated tech issue.

    When I re-abled my WP Stats plugin I copied the number in the Askimet and plugged it into WP Stats. I had forgotten that the number was initially added by my former designer about six years ago (since then I have been using my own API).

    So, I get this error message: “The API key “af57REMOVED6” belongs to the WordPress.com account “renderpro”. If you want to use a different account, please enter the correct API key.

    Note: the API key you use determines who will be registered as the “owner” of this blog in the WordPress.com database. Please choose your key accordingly. Do not use a temporary key.
    Add blog to WordPress.com account

    This blog will be added to your WordPress.com account. You will be able to allow other WordPress.com users to see your stats if you like. button to Add blog to Account”

    I then tried “If you want to use a different account, please enter the correct” to click the link. The page refreshes but does not offer a a space to add my API key.

    I then tried to a click the “Add blog to WordPress.com” button.

    And I get this error message.

    The owner of that API Key (renderpro) is not on the access list for this blog (10REMOVED0). To be added to the access list, you must contact support.
    Error from last API Key attempt:

    I have contacted support and have exchanged a dozen emails. Mostly they just keep telling me to do the same things I described above.

    I have also tried reinstalling the plugin, logged in using different browsers, changed the Askimet API to my number. Nothing works. Any help at all is appreciated.



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  • back again with the same problem LOL!

    Everything started working again some time last week. I presumed someone at the other end had reset my API key as when I re-entered the key it started working and my stats re-appeared.

    However today I go into my self hosted site and when I tried to visit the stats I am met with a “Your blog has been suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service”

    Now I did have a wordpress.com blog that they did accuse me of TOS breach which they took down however I am pretty sure that the API key I was using for my self hosted blog (the one with problems) was from my newer wordpress.com site which is still running (I checked) as I wouldn’t have been able to access my old API key anyway due to not being able to log into to that account anymore.

    Therefore I am back to square one and can only assume the issue is related to old or deleted blogs and that the WP-STATS DB is not keeping its data up to date or something along those lines.

    I deleted the relevant settings out of my WordPress database and tried to enter the API key from my working wordpress.com account but I am now seeing the following message again.

    The owner of that API Key (darkpolitricks) is not on the access list for this blog (10635130). To be added to the access list, you must contact support.

    So I will contact support again.

    I checked my stats earlier today and everything was fine. Now it wants me to log in using my WP.com username and password. When I do, it takes me there and no longer allows me to view my stats in my self-hosted dashboard. I cannot find a way to update my API key to see if this would resolve the issue. Anyone experiencing this issue or is it new?

    still not function..i already update to latest plugin

    When I tried to follow the directions from Naoko in the PHPAdmin

    1. Select your WordPress DB name from the left sidebar dropdown
    2. Click “wp_options” in the sidebar (assuming your DB table prefix is “wp_”)
    3. Click “Search” tab at the top
    4. Enter “stats_options” for option_name search
    5. Hit “Go”
    6. On the next page, delete the found data

    I got all the way to #6 but want to make sure I am deleting the right stuff as I have never worked in PHPAdmin and have absolutlely no idea what I’m doing in there or even what it is for (dangerous business!!)

    Here is what I see after I follow step 5: (Are these the things i am supposed to delete- all of them??? or just one of them??

    MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). ( Query took 0.0002 sec )
    SELECT *
    FROM wp_options
    WHERE option_id = “stats_options” Profiling [ Edit ] [ Explain SQL ] [ Create PHP Code ] [ Refresh ]

    Field Type Collation Attributes Null Default Extra Action
    option_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED No None auto_increment
    blog_id int(11) No 0
    option_name varchar(64) latin1_swedish_ci No
    option_value longtext latin1_swedish_ci No None
    autoload varchar(20) latin1_swedish_ci No yes
    Check All / Uncheck All With selected:

    Plugin Author Andy Skelton


    The Stats plugin now deletes its own data when you delete the plugin using the admin interface.

    What is the admin interface?

    I just deleted the plug-in but it still gives me the same error once I hit “Add Blog to WordPress”. I get a big red box that says Error from last API Key attempt:
    The owner of that API Key (XXXXXX) is not on the access list for this blog (16534211). To be added to the access list, you must contact support.

    I deleted the plug-in after it said that it would delete the files. But apparently it still is not working. Any suggestions? I’m still hoping for an answer to my earlier question.


    It sounds like you’re using the API Key for the user who is not listed under the blog (on WordPress.com database for the stats plugin).

    Try reassigning or add the user to the list by following this instruction:

    It’s best to contact WordPress.com staff using the contact form if you’re unable to do that because you don’t have access to original API Key holder’s account.

    Make sure to include the URL of your self-hosted blog, the API key you’re using, the full error message (including the username), and link to this forum post.

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