• chrislewisdrums


    My website background is a dark grey colour, and context text is white. Therefor the text in the customer reviews box cannot be seen. Can anyone help me to change the text colour to black in Customer Comments only? If I change the text colour through my theme page (Mantra), it becomes visible, but messes up the rest of pages. Please help! Thanks


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  • Demoris


    You have a couple areas in the CSS that are both styling the input:

    style.css line 633:

    #content, #content input, #content textarea {
    color: white;
    font-size: 16px;
    line-height: 24px;

    and style.css line 262:

    body, input, textarea {
    color: #666;
    font-size: 12px;
    line-height: 18px;

    The first one has priority in this case (line 633).

    To have your input areas show up with non-white text, try adding this:

    #content #wpcr_respond_1 input, #content #wpcr_respond_1 textarea {
    color: #666;
    Thread Starter chrislewisdrums


    That’s fixed it. Thankyou for your time, both of you. It is greatly appreciated.

    Hi Demoris, I read this thread and for the life of me (after 2 hours) I can not see where and how I can change the font size for the text

    Submit your review
    Name: *
    Email: *
    Review Title:

    Secondly, when I try to change the spacing between “* Required Field” and “Check this box to confirm you are human.” in the wp-customer-reviews.css file, it doesn’t seem to change anything…

    Thank you in advance for your help! Sorry I’m so bad at .CSS!

    Here’s the page in question: https://lucima.com/testimonials

    If you don’t already, I recommend using Chrome or Firefox with the Firebug addon. Both of these browsers would then allow you to right click the area you ant, and ‘inspect element’. This shows the HTML and CSS for the element you clicked on, and you can live edit the CSS to see modifications and what CSS you need to change.

    To change the font size, add a css rule for #wpcr_table_2 and set font-size to your value of choice.

    To edit the spacing of ‘required field’ and the checkbox, trying adding a margin to .wpcr_fl { 5px !important; }

    Thanks Demoris! You’ve been a HUGGGGE help!

    Been playing around with the form and there’s something that doesn’t add up.

    I modify the wp-customer-reviews.php where it says:

    goto_leave_text’ => ‘Click here to submit your review.’,

    and I change it to

    goto_leave_text’ => ‘Click here to submit review’,

    And no matter what I do I can not change the outcome of the text that shows in the wpcr_button1

    What gives here??? Thank you again! Here’s the page in question: https://lucima.com/testimonials

    Try the plugin options page, down near the bottom.

    You’re awesome. I would have pulled all my hair out for that one…

    And thank you for the heads up on the ‘inspect element’ it helps so much! I’ve been playing around with the form on my own now and it makes much more sense!

    Probably my last question and thanks again for all your help! I can’t seem to change the spacing between “Rating:” and “Review:”. They are too close together and I want to move the “Rating:” closer to “Review Title:” I’ve been trying to add padding but it doesn’t change anything.

    Thank you!


    Hi, maybe someone can help: I need to change the text color of:

    – Check box
    – Required fields
    – Thanks for your comment

    I have a brown background and these sentences appear me in red. I want to change the red into another color. How can I do?

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