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  • Eiland – that’s very wierd indeed: both tree seems healthy and are properly populated and printed in source.

    Try and disable “Open to selection”, “Highlight selection” and whatever other non-standard settings you’re using. Try and toggle the scriptaculous effects – play around with the settings and see if it makes any difference.

    Let me know what you find.

    I tried, turned a bit off, a bit on, but nothing. The Open all-Close all links did appear, but clicking them did not do anything.

    But I’ve been waiting for this feature for a while, so ill help you in any way i can to find the problem!

    Try disabling all your other plugins to see if any of them interferes with WP-dTree.

    thats weird. With All Plugins deactivated, only WPdtree turned on, it still doesnt work!

    okay: updqraed to 2.6 – no avail – disabled and deleted plugin, and reinstalled in from scratch and voila!!

    So now a request; I would like not to end the names of the links but linebreak them when they get too long?

    after the weekend i have time to add all the links i want… jippeee!

    So now a request; I would like not to end the names of the links but linebreak them when they get too long?

    Wrapping is a non-trivial problem – thus long post titles are truncated. You can change to white-space: normal; in style.php, but it will look like crap.

    If you figure out a safe way to apply line wrap on the nodes, please let me know.

    Hm, but the latest posts and the latest comments in the sidebar look decent? Why not use those styles?

    That is actually a good idea! Please submit a patch when you’re done.

    hm… i think that would be over my head. im already proud when i can backtrace css.

    im looking in the code but, i wondering where to add the google search javascript for outbound links…. And how to add a “link count” (instead of a post count?)

    ah ?? … and sorting categories by slug??

    and a bug; in categories, if “Hide empty categories” is checked, and an empty category (post-wsie) does have subcatgories with posts, the category is still being hid.

    Eiland – category sorting and -hiding has been fixed in the development version. Please help me out with testing it before WP 2.7 is released.

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