• If you are looking for a professional and reliable WordPress eCommerce plugin, AVOID WP-ecommerce! Even if you pay for the “Gold” edition, it is full of bugs. I bought specifically for the Linkpoint gateway–which does not work! When you visit the developer’s website, the blog is full of people with the same or similar experiences. The developers either ignore the request for help, or close the post and add some comment about the problem being resolved “offline”.

    If anyone has developed their own fix to the First Data/Linkpoint payment gateway, please post.

    Thank you


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  • I find the same thing. Did you find a good, workable ecommerce plugin that’s compatible with WordPress, without having to buy one?

    i tried zencart, but it was a PITA, and WOZ was not very useful/good/helpful….

    i eventually got WP.osC to work acceptably – its a modified version of osCommerce (original codebase of ZenCart) its dated but functional and thats what I needed.

    Basically setup a WP, crete a folder called ‘catalog’ or ‘shop’ inside the main wp install, unpack WP.osC in there, and go to it. i also suggest adding the WP.osC rewrite of the plugin that lets you pay without creating an account…

    the regular payment modules for osCommerce worked for me (Beanstream).

    i may make another attempt at zenCart at some point, as I initially tried to get it to work in WPMU and think that added one to many wrinkles.

    It’s true. This plugin is total crap. I can’t imagine how many people are dealing with angry clients while trying to get this to work right.

    I’ve only found this post as I wanted to see whereas people ask for WP e-Commerce help, also, I’m a Moderator on the Get Shopped Support Forum and not on the Instinct payroll…

    ‘The developers either ignore the request for help, or close the post’, seriously?

    If noone could help you on the Community Support Forum then it’s clear you need to contact a WP e-Commerce expert from the Resources > WP Consultants page.

    I’m not current with payment gateways, otherwise I’d be glad to help, bump your original topic on the Community Support Forum or contact a WP e-Commerce expert with experience in payment gateways.

    Gold Cart and Premium Plugin customers can get support directly from Instinct.

    (On another topic, would be great to have a single place to help people, Plugin forums + WordPress Support + Blog is too much!)


    I tried to register on instinct website yesterday and the captcha wouldnt let me through despite trying about 5 times.

    There is no email contact details on the instinct website either.

    I was about to upgrade my e-commerce plugin (which for free I’m pretty happy with) to the premium just to add more pics but after reading a thread on their own site where loads of users were saying that they have been left behind after an upgrade with no support. Instict didnt seem to have replied to these complaints (cries for help) vin the manner you’d hope and so I can understand tebyerly’s comments above.

    Even with the paid Gold upgrade, support requests (using their support request “tokens” AND just posting in appropriate threads) have gone into outer space for weeks now. I also contacted several of the “Resources > WP Consultants” listed on the GetShopped site, none of which have replied either. I don’t have time to contact them ALL. Plus, if I have to hire outside support for this, what did I pay $195 for?! A plug-in upgrade that’s a total mess?

    $195 for the upgrade, that doesn’t work despite every instruction followed and TOTALLY UNRESPONSIVE support. Uninstalled, looking elsewhere. Not cool, “GetShopped”, not cool at all.

    Hi JC001, give the captcha anothe go, if it still blows up let me know directly on [email protected] as I’ll raise this with Instinct or give it my best shot to dig up the issue and fix it.

    The main reason for me to upgrade to Gold Cart is the Gallery, so yeah, multiple image support does it for me too. Instinct migrated the Gold Cart addon from a collection of php files that reside in /wp-content/uploads/wpsc/upgrades/… to a WordPress Plugin and the initial release threw a few unexpected errors, I understand they’ve since been sorted and the spike in support Topics dropped off.

    The best way to contact Instinct is through their Premium Support forum, the community Support Forum is just that and Instinct only intervene on exceptional circumstances.

    cpein, I don’t recall a message from you, I’m sorry if it got lost in the tubes.

    If you were using the initial Gold Cart release that would explain your grief, update to the latest version and give it a whirl; if you’ve not already given up.

    I agree, this plugin is quite commercial, without the paid function, this plugin is not enough to say worth to use.

    I know it is normal to make plugin to earn money, but some simple function .
    e.g, upload multi product photos ,you need to buy it.
    This is a very simple but necessary function.
    That mean if some people really run a business, it should pay.

    compare with zen cart,osc, opencart , it’s too funny.

    CAPTCHA still isn’t working. I’m going to try Shopp and see how it goes. I decided I shouldn’t even try wp-ecommerce.

    Hi jonna, can you explain which CAPTCHA isn’t working. I’m aware there’s a separate WordPress and bbPress Plugin so would be good to narrow it down.

    tatming, ‘not enough to say worth to use’? Seriously? I’d love to see more features from Virtuemart, Zen Cart, OSC and Magento. Jump on the developers mailing list and start contributing.

    My own shop, Visser Labs for a long time did not use multiple Product images and as I was using PayPal Payments Standard so there was no need to purchase the Gold Cart Premium Plugin (https://getshopped.org/extend/premium-upgrades/premium-upgrades/gold-cart-grid-module/). As it is now I use the Add to Cart shortcode within custom Page Templates as opposed to the internal WP e-Commerce Products ‘page’.

    Geeez, at least I dont feel alone.

    If you look at the member forums, you see tons of unanswered questions that we could all benefit from.

    I have used the premium support, I have emailed developers, and simply trying to get help on some lots of folks seem to be having problems with, Recurring Payments with PayPal Pro.

    If someone would just answer the questions in the forums we could all benefit.

    Hi hep2djive, there’s a ton of answered topics too! Please bump your Premium Support topic so a Trusted GetShopped.org member can assist you in resolving your issue.

    I just want to say that it’s a bit buggy, but I’ve tried oscommerce, zencart, prestashop, and Shopping Cart Creator, and so far it’s the solution that gives me the closest to what I want – integration into WordPress, digital downloads, flexibility — the general solution is very nice.

    That said I have problems with drag-and-drop, creating new products, shipping, and taxes that are annoying.

    I hope the upcoming new release will fix these.



    The support is non existent. When you search the forum, the same problems are there over and over again with dates so old, they have gray hair on them. I bought the Gold Cart so I was entitled to one free support token from Instinct and that fell on deaf ears. Terms and Conditions bug that kills the whole application after you spend hours of work. Avoid this plugin.

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