• Hello,
    urgent help needed! My paypal express gateway not working! I have added API username, password and signature, but when somebody is trying to pay is geting error mesage from PayPal:

    Sorry, an error occurred after you clicked the last link
    If you were in the process of buying something, or sending money to family or friends, we recommend you check both your PayPal account and your email inbox for a transaction confirmation after 30 minutes.
    If you came to this page from another website, you may want to return to that site (we advise that you don’t just use your browser’s back button) and restart your activity.
    If you stumbled upon this page from the PayPal website, simply click the PayPal logo in the top left corner to return to the UK home page and restart your activity. You might have to log in again.
    If you wish to sign up to PayPal, please click the PayPal logo and then click the “Sign up” button.


    # WordPress version: 2.9.2
    # WP e-Commerce version:
    # WP e-Commerce store: https://vitamin-health-online.co.uk

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  • Hi Vorsta

    Did you ever get this to work? I’m having the same problem!!


    Hi Vostra,

    Here are few suggestions:
    1. Visit store in your wordpress admin.
    2. Select PayPal Express Checkout 2.0 ONLY and click on eidt button next to it.
    3. Enter the valid information as generated form Paypal account:
    API Username
    API Password
    API Signature
    Server Type – Production (for active sales)
    4. Click on update button.
    5. Again, click on update button under the General setting.
    6. Go to you product page.
    7. Select the product and Add to cart.
    8. Click checkout.
    9. You will notice Purchase button will appear at the bottom of the page.
    10. Click ‘Purchase button’.
    11. You and your customers will be redirected to the paypal page.
    12. Choose a way to pay
    Paypal account
    Credit card option.
    13. Once you are done, you are re-directed again to your URL checkout page to confirm your sale.
    14. Click on confirm and you are done.

    Hope this will help out.

    PS. Select ONLY PayPal Express Checkout 2.0

    Coding Monster

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