• If you create a product then decide to delete it later on, the url of that product will remain the same. This is a major problem for SEO because instead of the url showing up as a 404, it shows up as a duplicate page of the group category page that it was in and therefore your website is punished for having Duplicate Content.

    Also another issue with wp-commerce is that if you choose to put a title & meta description on the main products page, the same title & description will show up on all of your products and groups. So as an example, if you have 20 products under 5 groups, you will have a total of 25 pages that have the same exact title and meta description which equals to 25 pages of duplicate content! If you’re wondering why this might be a problem, let me explain to you why it is a major problem that deserves immediate attention.

    The whole point of having an e-commerce website is to sell your products online. The whole point of search engine optimization (SEO) is for people to find your website when they search on google, yahoo, or msn. Now if your website has problems with duplicate content (duplicate meta, titles, etc.,) your website will get low search engine rankings. If your website has low search engine rankings, it will be harder for people to find your website. The less people who visit your website, the less chances you have of making a sale. So the moral of this example is this. It doesn’t matter how fancy or nice your online shop looks like. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend on it adding different features and modules. ALL OF THIS WILL BE IN VAIN, if customers cannot find your website.

    The Solution: On the behalf of frustrated wp-commerce users worldwide, I would like to publicly call for the wp-commerce team to please please please address these issues immediately. We cannot wait until the next version of wp-commerce while we sit on our hands and watch our search engine rankings drop. We need some sort of fix that will work until the wp-commerce team comes up with a permanent solution. Also if the wp-commerce team cannot find a solution to solve these issues (because these issues have been going on for months and months without being addressed), I am asking for the Wp-Commerce team, in the spirit of true Open Source, to make the source code for wp-commerce available to other developers so that we can have an efficient system of addressing this issues quickly and efficiently.


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  • You have a point but the SEO is picked up in my Google but it is some thing Dan can have a look at but dont for get all the code is available in your download so have a look and email dan some fixes for the stuff ..

    Just to give you a idea if you search paintball in google we sould be on the first page and yes the products play a part but the res of the content as well so just make sure your title for you products are readebile Ie Paintballs this wont work so nice in Google but Box of 2000 balls will be a lot better word for Google ..

    Try this 3 Links to my websites paintballcrazecc + looking4stuff + super fresh


    So to conclude for now it works well ..

    Mark de Scande
    AKA The Specialist SA

    Ps alsow try https://www.bloglines.co.za it also have the same plug on it ??


    The code is all there. Feel free to make the changes you’d like to see. It’s a free plugin (aside from the $25 Gold upgrade – which has nothing to do with this issue), so for that I say it’s great.

    Basically, you can spend time complaining about a free plugin not doing EVERYTHING you want it do, or spend some time modifying it to your needs, like everyone else does.

    The code is there…all it takes is some time.

    @ stastic – I concur!!!! We’ll take a look at this anyway and see if it is something we can improve in the next nightly release… and if not tonight then maybe early next week ??

    301 redirect from the product url to the relevant category. Why are you deleting products at all when all you have to do is untick the categories they are assigned to hide them from the product pages? Deleting is not good.Tell your friends.

    As for SEO suicide…I use this plugin and my addons and edits and have 9 breakout(sitelinks) links in the Google. 9. That is emphatically not SEO suicide.

    If used in conjunction with a plugin like All in One SEO pack and a better title tag code single product display pages still do not get a meta description but they will get a unique title.
    You can get the titles code here
    If you leave the products page all in one seo title blank this one title won’t be used for all products-the product name will.

    I’m working out how to get meta descriptions for single products but it’s going to take me a while as I am not really a coder I just push code around.

    I’m not sure I’m in the right discussion group, but does anyone know why when you sort your products by Title goes backward, for example “S” titled products are shown first you don’t get to “A” products til the last page. How can I make it from a to z instead? Thanks!

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