• Here’s a few other things you might change/add in this excellent plugin:

    1. On the Add New or Edit pages for a custom post type, the fields appear in a box that uses the post type’s system key, not its name. For example, I have a post type called Status Updates, system key is status_updates. On the Add New Status Update page, the fields box title says “status_updates fields”. Why not use the post type name (or singular name) there, e.g. “Status Update fields”? It would look better.

    2. There appears to be no way to delete a category set after it’s been added. There’s an option to use or not use, but no delete.

    3. Can there be an option to use the default category set (i.e. the categories previously defined for regular posts) for new custom types? Not a huge deal, but it would save the trouble of re-entering existing categories when migrating to WP3.0 from earlier versions.

    4. Any way to add custom fields to the Quick Edit area? I love it that your plugin allows showing (and reordering) these fields in the post list — even better if they could be changed in the quick edit.

    5. The column order in the “Columns to show in the table items” Admin interface setting doesn’t “stick” — my column arrangement keeps reverting to an order I don’t want. Maybe I’m doing something wrong?

    6. Likewise, the “Position” setting doesn’t seem to do anything — my custom post type menu appears below “Comments”, at the bottom of that menu block, no matter what I change this setting to.

    Great plugin! Thanks.


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  • Plugin Author chertz


    Thanks for the feedback and notes! We will review these today and will incorporate some or all of these suggestions into a new release shortly.

    I also like to recommend to benchmark “Magic Fields” plugin


    Plugin Author chertz


    Hi – we’ve reviewed the Magic Fields plugin and don’t see any reason why you couldn’t use it alongside Easy Post Types. There isn’t direct integration between the plugins, but they should play fine together.
    Also, we’ve released an updated plugin with a number of updates included in it. Version 1.0.1 is now available as a download. Thanks.

    Thread Starter Mr. Shiv


    Hmm, the new version is not showing up as an UPDATE option in my WP installation. Guess I can try the download.

    First of all, thanks so much to the developers for this great plugin.

    I second Mr. Shiv’s request #3 to use “the default category set (i.e. the categories previously defined for regular posts) for new custom types.”

    I attempted to do this in the EPT interface by going into my custom post type > Add category set > Name = ‘Categories’, System key = ‘category’ to match the built-in Categories taxonomy. This almost worked: the built-in Categories taxonomy appeared under my custom post type, which I wanted, but also removed Categories from my regular posts, which I did not want. Same goes for Post Tags. I also attempted to use the register_post_type() function in my functions.php file to register Post Tags and Categories with my custom post type:

    add_action( 'init', 'create_my_post_types' );
    function create_my_post_types() {
    	register_post_type( 'photos', //my custom post type
    			'public' => true, //needed to make my custom post type appear in WP admin
    			'taxonomies' => array( 'post_tag', 'category'), //associates these taxonomies with my custom post type

    That kind of worked but also caused some unwanted interactions with EPT.

    Also confusing this issue is the terminology in EPT. What EPT calls “Category Sets” are really taxonomies, are they not? Does the “Add category set” button actually register a custom taxonomies? Or is EPT doing something else entirely behind the scenes?

    not3not4, did you ever work out a good method for getting default category/tags into custom types?

    I also tried creating the category set > Name = ‘Categories’, System key = ‘category’ to match the built-in Categories taxonomy and found that while it did create the shared taxonomy, it removed categories and tags from the ‘posts’ type which is not good.

    There’s also no way to delete a category or rename the system key and therefore I haven’t been able to fix this issue you and am unable to add categories or tags to my default ‘posts’ type.

    chertz, any word if the plugin is still being updated and developed? There hasn’t been much activity in 5 months.

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