• Resolved MartijnAtWordPress



    I have the following issue on 5 different websites.

    When using the Plugin “WP edit Pro” (WordPress editor) it says it doesn’t have permission for several php files. This wasn’t any problem before, but somehow it is now.

    Below you find some example of messages I get:

    You don’t have permission to access /wp-content/plugins/wp_edit_pro/tmce_plugins/columnShortcodes/columnShortcodes.php on this server.”

    You don’t have permission to access /wp-content/plugins/wp_edit_pro/tmce_plugins/codemagic/codemagic.php on this server.”

    I tried to unhardening the php files, but it didn’t solve this issue. I also tried to whitelist the path’s, but that broke the wordpress editor.

    Any idea how to solve this issue.

    Looking forward to hear from you.



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  • Thread Starter MartijnAtWordPress


    Additional information on my initial question:

    I compared one of the path’s that shows an error with a the path of a website that has no issues with the plugin WP edit Pro”( tmce). All website use the Securi plugin version 1.1.17.

    Path with error ends with .php

    Path with no error ends with .htm

    Not sure how this is possible or if it has something to do with the conflict.

    Looking forward for your reply.

    Can you reproduce the issue with the development version of the code from here [1]? I believe this bug is already fixed after all the changes applied to the hardening module since the release of the current stable version, please check again using the dev archive [2]; I will mark this as resolved for now, but feel free to re-open if the error persists.

    [1] https://github.com/cixtor/sucuri-wordpress-plugin
    [2] https://github.com/cixtor/sucuri-wordpress-plugin/archive/master.zip

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