• Resolved aptsonic


    I love this plugin so far, wish I had found it months ago for a different project.

    Anyways I’m merging it into the Responsive Theme but I am running into problems with “All Ideas”. When calling for CSS for the Wapper its calling .home #wapper instead of #wappper.

    I might see the code I need to change in the wp-idea-stream.php but I have a limited php background and not sure how to stop it from calling out .home #wapper..

    if(is_all_ideas() || (is_home() && get_option( 'page_on_front' ) == 'all-ideas' && !is_featured_ideas())){
    		return __('All Ideas','wp-idea-stream') . " | ";

    Any advice would be great!

    You can find my test install at https://aptsonic.com/projecttest/wordpress/is/all-ideas/

    I’m still working on the site’s design so it might get extra wonky while I work.


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  • Plugin Author Mathieu Viet



    Well the templates loaded are in /wp-content/plugins/wp-idea-stream/templates

    The one you are looking for is all-ideas.php. You can try to copy this template directly in your theme’s folder then, edit it to add/replace with your css classes.

    Thread Starter aptsonic


    Thank you,

    I followed the installation instructions as originally provided before posting. I ended up just tweaking my site design a little to incorporate your plugin. Thank you!


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