I have tried this plugin for several weeks, with an install not located at the root of the server, but in a subfolder /tests/. I was embedding the login form into my theme.
The preview button wasn’t working properly, this wasn’t much of a concern for me, but I noticed a wrong redirection in case of connection errors, and got warned by your messages here regarding the lack of support. So I decided I would find an alternate.
After a couple of hours digging into WP source code, I found hooks to link to my functions dot php…
– login_message to customize the message above the forms, depending on context
– login_head simply hooked to my theme’s get_header()
I also played with CSS to hide #login h1 a
Using Peter’s Login Redirect to manage redirections depending on roles, I could then achieve what I want, in exactly six lines of functions.php and one line {display: none} of CSS…
At any rate, it is probably good to have a fully functional plugin, for those who are not familiar with the functions.php. @faina09 If you want to submit your plugin to the repository, follow the guidelines here: