• Hoping someone can help…

    I have got the slider working ok but it is using the featured image from selected posts which for some reason WordPress insists on resizing to 300x200px (even though I select full size image). I want to include 580x240px images for the Nivo slider.

    Can anyone suggest where I’m going wrong or point me in the right direction?

    Many thanks!


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  • Don’t know if this helps but you can allways give this a try

    add this to your function.php file:
    add_image_size( 'featured-thumbnail', 580, 240, true );

    then in your nivo slider plugin directory find wp-nivo-slider.php and open it, you are gonna edit this part on line 87

    Edit this:
    <?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>

    To this:
    <?php the_post_thumbnail('featured-thumbnail'); ?>

    I did it this way since I had several different predefined thumbnail sizes. Now you are certain that it uses the right sizes.

    Use Regenerate Thumbnails plugin, to get your already uploaded images the right size.

    Hope this helps or points you in the right direction

    ah fine,

    I had the same problem, but there was only the change in the wp-nivo-slider.php necessaery.

    No changes in the functions.php


    Plugin Author lcrafael


    This is a great way to resolve this problem.

    WP Nivo Slider does not resize of images. But the WordPress does.

    If you put the image when selecting a size (small, medium, large), wp nivo slider will respect this.

    Rafael Cirolini
    [sig moderated as per the Forum Rules]

    Could you explain where the function.php file is and what it is? I only have a functions.php but not sure where to put it in it, as it doesn’t change anything

    could you not simple do this
    <?php the_post_thumbnail('featured-thumbnail', 580, 240, true ); ?>

    to line 87 ?

    @hixen Thanks so much, that did it.

    Strange think I’ve set the height to 270 in the plugin settings, still my images were scaled to 198 height. But thanks to you, I’ve fixed it.

    Now my website can go live after I transfer it from the staging to the live server.



    NP, nice clean design on your site, good luck.

    Thank you!



    Got tired of dealing with this so I got a theme that has a better slider with shortcodes to add more..

    Good luck!



    I followed hixen’s advice and it did work. Sort of.

    Some of the pictures work and some don’t but i suspect that it’s related to the size of the original picture because larger images seem to crop properly but lower ones still break. That isn’t my issue though.

    I’m concerned that having made the changes suggested i can no longer update a post without receiving an error.
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at [redacted]…/plugins/wp-nivo-slider/wp-nivo-slider.php:631) in [redacted]…/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 890


    NVM. I seem to have fixed my problem. my wp-nivo-slider.php had two empty lines at the end. I had more or less disregarded them as as being an issue cause, you know, they’re blank. But low and behold, that was what did it. removed those two and it works. Weird.

    I have a similar problem, but slightly more complicated. I have my featured thumbnails sized to 180×160 because I need them to be that size for the “blurbs” on my index page. But because of that, my Nivo Slider also displays the featured images at 180×160 (I need them to be much bigger than that for the slider). Does anyone know how to assign more than one size of a featured thumbnail per post, and then assign the bigger size to my Nivo Slider?

    My site looks like this right now: https://www.balletuni.com

    I’ve similar problem “noshum”

    Not sure if Studio256’s code works, although I cannot fathom why. I get some really tiny images and some really big ones!

    The plugin does not resize images, so they have to be big enough for the slide show.

    Although it would be a lovely feature for the slideshow to resize the images (by percentage so it goes mobile…), this is really a WordPress and image size issue. The post thumbnail and featured thumbnail naming/sizing convention always catches me out. Ever since the feature came in with WP 2.9(?), I can never remember which is which.

    Anyway, the point is that it is always better to have images at least approximately the right size for your site already. I know it’s boring, I’m lazy too.

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