If for any reason the plugin ruins your website redirections / links (it should not, it was developed to not mess with WordPress internal code) follow this steps:
1) Access your website through FTP
2) Go to your WP installation folder and follow this path “wp-content/plugins”
3) Find parallel-loading-system and delete the folder
It should automatically disable the plugin and return your website to the normal state.
If it doesn’t, open your .htaccess file (you might need to turn on invisible file view) and remove any lines related to PLS.
RewriteRule ^(.*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|php)) load_image.php?file_src=$1&extension=$2 [L,QSA]
This will remove any residue from the plugin. However this plugin is bakcup aware, which means that before making any changes to your original files it will make a backup of the original.
The bakcup name should be something like: .htaccess.bak_05-20-10_22:38