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  • Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    It is not recommended to use single photos this way, as a lot of overhead code and data comes with the photo into the page source. Also there are a few places where ‘clear:both’ is required.

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Try this instead:

    %%wppa%%%%mphoto=1%%%%size=140%%%%align=left%% %%wppa%%%%mphoto=2%%%%size=140%%%%align=left%% %%wppa%%%%mphoto=3%%%%size=140%%%%align=left%%

    i.e. mphoto= in stead of photo=, and align=left added.

    Thread Starter oduudo


    Thanks for the tipp.
    Is mphoto a new feature? I didn’t find it in the scripting reference on your website?
    Tried it and orientation of the pics in one line is ok, have to look, if I can rid of the background then, because all photos are assembled in that grey box. Think the classic picture placing seems to be the better way…

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    mphoto is (approx) equal to the representation of a generic wp media photo with caption. It exists already a very long time, but indeed i forgot to document it in the scripting reference, Thanx! I will add it.

    btw: if the photo description contains html and html is allowed (Table IX-A1) the description in a mphoto display will be correct by the next version (4.6.3, available tomorrow(?))

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    I could implement something like %%photoonly=..%% if that would help you?

    Thread Starter oduudo


    sounds good. The normal way to place photos, as you proposed, would be ok, but a photoonly (or better a mphotoonly?) would be fine because all things dealing with photos would be done by using your fabulous plugin.
    Its a matter of all or nothing…. ??
    I think I mark this thread as resoved.

    Thread Starter oduudo


    hello opajaap,
    after you implemented this fabulous editor butto I came back to my problem. Did you have a chance in looking for the %%photoonly%%??
    Think, it could be a nice idea to handle some single photos in the context of your album management… ??

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Thanx to your question on this topic i can announce you that in version 4.7 the concept of single photo will be redesigned ( it is, but not released yet, must still make the links and backgrounds ). It will no longer carry a lot of ballast with it, and will no longer be discouraged to use.

    If you ar up to rev (4.6.12) you can try it:

    edit wpa-functions.php, line 395-397:

    //	elseif (wppa_page('oneofone')) {	// New style single photo
    //		wppa_sphoto();
    //	}

    remove the // 3 times.

    The links are the links for mphoto (See Table VI), but will become separately settable (you may have to reconfigure once this is released) and there are no background settings yet.

    Use (example):

    %%wppa%% %%photo=1113%% %%size=260%% %%align=left%%
    %%wppa%% %%photo=4711%% %%size=260%% %%align=left%%
    %%wppa%% %%photo=13%% %%size=260%% %%align=left%%

    to get them on a row; if you ommit align they wil be displayed below each other.

    Please try this and give me some feedback. Now i can still change things easily.

    Thread Starter oduudo


    Oh, glad to read this.
    Just gave it a quick look and tested it, seems to work fine on the first sight. I give it at further look tomorrow, have to go to sleep…. ??
    thanks, Udo

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    The plans are as follows now:

    We drop the old implementation of a single photo as being a slideonly show with one photo only, having the optional border as settable in Table III-A2 and having the linksystem as in Table VI-8.

    We adapt the new implementation as you tested, but with line 0 in Table VI, equivalent to line 1 (for mphoto), i.e. its own link structure.

    For single photos (Sphoto as opposed to Mphoto) there is no longer a border as implemented for the slideshow, see Table III-A2 and Table I-B4.

    If you really want a (background) border, there is a new class .wppa-sphoto to make it manually.

    This is the quickest and most robust way with the less overhead as possible, still having the full wppa+ linkfeatures.

    If you can agree with this (the only thing that disappears is the background/border and of course much overhead!) it can be released in a few days (needs changing some texts in the settings page, because some things apply no longer to fullsize and slideshow, but to slideshow only)

    Thread Starter oduudo


    Hello opajaap,
    just have no time for testing, for I’m going to holidays tomorrow morning.
    But I think what you write sounds quite good. Its the simplest way to use some single photos out of the photo database without having this overhead.
    I look forward to your next release, when I will be back in about two weeks.
    Have a good time,

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    I managed to keep the background/border equal to the slideshow (as it is now) so you should only see its faster, less code and easyer to have multiple on a row.
    For a preview:
    Will be released in a few days as version 4.7.0

    Thread Starter oduudo


    back from holiday.
    updated to 4.7, seems to work perfect.
    thanks for that,

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