• I am testing wp-properties for one of my clients and getting the following error message:

    PHP Warning: Illegal string offset ‘ajax_call’ in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wprealestate\wp-content\plugins\wp-property\core\class_core.php on line 1345 PHP Warning: Illegal string offset ‘scope’ in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wprealestate\wp-content\plugins\wp-property\templates\template-functions.php on line 698 PHP Warning: Illegal string offset ‘scope’ in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wprealestate\wp-content\plugins\wp-property\templates\template-functions.php on line 699 PHP Warning: Illegal string offset ‘do_not_execute_shortcodes’ in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wprealestate\wp-content\plugins\wp-property\templates\template-functions.php on line 747

    Anyone else facing this issue or know how to fix it?

    PHP – 5.4
    Wordpress – 3.4.1
    WP-Properties – 1.36


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  • Also having this problem.

    I’m wondering if it’s one of those situations where it just doesn’t play ball with local development, as I’m having the issue with it running on WAMP.

    Hopefully the dev will respond.

    I just installed the latest version of Xampp which supports a later version of PHP and I was getting the below error:

    “Warning: Creating default object from empty value in …………………..class_functions.php on line 3904 ” for my featured property listings.

    I don’t get this on my live site or my other install of 1.7.7 install of Xampp. I think this is because both my host and the older version of xampp support older versions of PHP, pre 5.4.4 .

    Sure enough, I redid the before mentioned xampp install to 1.7.7 and wp-property threw no errors.

    I also did a Google search of the error I got, and sure enough I found a site throwing the same error, but live (ouch)! I am betting they are running a newer version of PHP.





    hi there, could you finally fix those problems up? I am working on my website (locally) and i am having just the same problems you described in above.

    Warning: Illegal string offset ‘ajax_call’ in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\wp-property\core\class_core.php on line 1345
    1 found.

    Warning: Illegal string offset ‘scope’ in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\wp-property\templates\template-functions.php on line 698

    Warning: Illegal string offset ‘scope’ in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\wp-property\templates\template-functions.php on line 699

    Warning: Illegal string offset ‘do_not_execute_shortcodes’ in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\wp-property\templates\template-functions.php on line 747′

    Is this problem fixed when you uploaded the page?

    Thread Starter kgaurav79


    Don’t think the dev’s are even checking these messages or really care about the errors being reported for their products. After trying several thing (being a newbie with PHP, deadline to meet, could not afford to spend any more time on this), finally gave up the idea of using WordPress.

    Has anyone out there been able to fix this issue. Working in the shared hosting environment, it is not easy to update the software versions quite easily.

    Plugin Contributor Anton Korotkoff



    just found this issue here.

    kgaurav79, dev’s ARE checking bug reports but mostly on official forum of WP-Property

    In any case we noticed those issues and actually are working hard on WP-Property 2.0 which should have fixes for anything.

    But obviously there will be some short releases like 1.36.x for something like that.

    Thanks for cooperating.

    UsabilityDynamics.com / WP-Property Team

    Ashish jain


    Please explain completely php5 proble in this plugin.

    Hi Guys,

    If issue is not affecting any functionality then just disabled Error reporting:

    Same issue on Wampserver (32 bits & PHP 5.4) 2.2E, getting Illegal string offset ‘ajax_call’ in H:\wamp\www\mysite\wp-content\plugins\wp-property\core\class_core.php on line 1353. This hard error should be fixed asap.
    Disabling just the error_reporting is not a solution. This topic posted by many users but no answers still, wp-property developers should respond on this.

    Still no replies and fixed version for wp-property by authors?
    Here is the link where a user just disabled the error_display by php setting https://usabilitydynamics.com/products/wp-property/forum/topic/errors/ , but its not a solution. Hiding warnings/errors is not the fix, because it will hide all errors/warning from other plugins too. Okay for a production environment for sometime, but its authors should fix it asap and release a fixed version very soon.
    What about during development environment getting such annoying errors everywhere on the page in widgets, in content, header, footer etc. multiple times? I am hardly facing these errors cluttering my complete webpage. I neither can disable errors nor can go with it, as it will not let me to do development work.
    Here above also Anton Korotkoff (UsabilityDynamics.com / WP-Property Team) informed to update the newer version 2 months ago, but not done till now.

    Waiting for the fix and updated version soon, else people will likely to post it as broken.


    By the way I have found a solution, go to plugins\wp-property\core\class_core.php on line 1353 (wp-property 1.36.3), change if($atts[‘ajax_call’]) to if(isset($atts[‘ajax_call’]))
    It will fix the problem for “Illegal string offset ‘ajax_call'”.
    Similarily, other offsets warnings need to be fixed by replacing if condition using isset() function.

    The error is because for PHP 5.4, sometime either the variable used inside if-condition is an string rather than array (so recommended to initialize in start as $myvar=array(); ), or the offset key used inside $myvar[‘mykey’] doesn’t exist. It should be used with isset() for checking whether value exist or not.

    The plugin author should implement this everywhere inside plugin code where the wrong checking of offsets done for arrays with fictious/non-existing arrays/keys checking.

    Got another error while using ‘featured properties’ widget in frontend.
    “Warning: Creating default object from empty value in wp-content\plugins\wp-property\core\class_functions.php on line 3913” ((wp-property 1.36.3)

    Fixed by adding if( !is_object( $data) ) { $data = new StdClass; } after $data = false; statement before foreach loop.

    The very bad support from the plugin authors, that users have to report the problem and fix themselves and suggest solution here for others’ help.

    Anyways, I hope that the fixings suggested here for different problems will be included in wp-property atleast (irrespective of they dont have time to fix problems themselves).

    Wp-property has so many incompatibilities with php 5.4 and looking over those codes, I found yes the problem is with wp-property itself, the wrong uninitialized array, object variables used everywhere and wrong checking of if-conditions many places. These are the basic php standards that the authors should have taken care in the starting even for php 5.3 also.

    I will post more fixes as soon as I find more problems and their solutions.
    Hope my solutions help the other users here..


    I believe, we’ve fixed these issues. Please, wait for new release.

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