• When I check to send the broadcast of my newsletter “immediately”, my clock on the PC says 14:59 but in the plug-in backend in the list of “all broadcasts” under “pending” it says: “to be sent at 13:59” (I am in Vienna, Austria, one hour east of = later than GMT) — and the broadcast does NOT go out, as far as I can tell! Is this because the plugin thinks it should send it in the past i.e. it has already sent it???

    Please help if you have had this experience and know a solution. Thx.

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  • Thread Starter emmvie


    In the end all of the mails seem to have gone out, or at least some of them, but it took a whole day (??!!) (around 480 addresses only). Very nervewracking.

    What I found is a very large number of empty directories and old sessions in the /tmp folder. Could this be indicative of a problem? It seems to be connected to the subscription form, though, actually — because sometimes there’s an server error message that comes after a subscription and before the success message for the user:

    “Warning: rmdir(/tmp/4cf8b257d611a)[function.rmdir]: Directory not empty in /www/wp-content/plugins/wp-responder-email-autoresponder-and-newsletter-plugin/lib/classes/Swift/KeyCache/DiskKeyCache.php on line 507”

    Thread Starter emmvie


    Right, I also get about 2 dozen of the same warning when I choose to “run WPR cron”…

    Would really love some help on this one, anyone out there???

    Thread Starter emmvie


    Most recent and related problem: last broadcast went out 2 whole days late even though I chose “send immediately” and wpr listed the broadcast practically right away as sent.

    Do I have a time-stamp issue? A cron issue? A permissions issue with the rmdir warning?

    P L E A S E help if you have any ideas for me. Thanks!

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