[Plugin: WP Resume] JavaScript trailing comma
JavaScript trailing comma
Internet Explorer does not support trailing commas:
$("#sections, .positions, .organizations").sortable({ axis:'y', containment: 'parent', opacity: .5, update: function(){}, placeholder: 'placeholder', forcePlaceholderSize: 'true', // This is a trailing comma and will break on IE });
Here are some blog entries referencing this problem. If anybody has more official references for this (or know about exact versions affected; This is a problem in all versions of IE up to version 7. IE 8 does allow trailing commas in arrays and object definitions, however only when in IE 8 strict mode I believe.
* https://www.rockstarapps.com/wordpress/?p=29
* https://brajesh.wordpress.com/2008/03/18/internet-explorers-trailing-comma-woes/
* https://blog.chrismasto.com/articles/2008/02/12/ie7-suckage
* https://www.nczonline.net/blog/2010/02/02/how-internet-explorer-8-document-mode-affects-javascript/
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