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  • Thansk Alex, will try CW Image Optimizer. Too bad i really loved your plugin. Will keep track of any improvemnet/change you make.


    Another thought: Perhaps an option to disable the auto smush-it on upload function.

    This way we could still make use of the bulk, based on how well the API is doing, but if it goes down it wouldn’t cause problems with new files if the auto smushit on upload function is disabled. Thanks for considering improvements in light of the tricky connectivity to Yahoo.

    Same issue here. Actual installation of wordpress 3.3.2 and also WP plugin running. When i upload some photos via the uploader, i’ll receive an HTTP error in the uploader.

    I had to disable the WP plugin in order to make the uploader work correctly.

    And I thought I am the only one having the problem, the developer seems helpless although it is not his fault. The problem is I run a website which is too much image dependent and for a while I thought the HTTP error is harmless but now I have come to the conclusion would be to get rid of this plugin I guess till the time a good alternative comes up. Thanks for helping me decide, it had begun to affect my workflow.

    Same Http error in 80% of image uploads.. I am going to remove this plugin.. Waiting for the update from the developer

    Smush-it is a goner, in either wordpress or out of it. Super slow, it’s a waste of time now for even 10 images !

    I am going to try this Caesium :

    And Kraken too, according to a comment here :

    Just checked out Kraken, looks good, “smushed” some files even further than “smush-it”, and fast. Not a wordpress plugin, but seems good.

    Same thing. Deactivated it and now it’s ok with the image uploading.

    Just need someone to code up a WP plugin now [thumbs up] ??

    Deactivating the plugin makes your Disc usage on hosting doubled. It’s really a dilemmatic. Hope service will be back soon

    @sulistyo..and would you please explain why is that ?



    @sullstyo You could always manually compress your images with Photoshop or some other editor and get the same disc space savings. You’ll have a little more control over image quality too. Not as easy as the plugin (when it works) but is the way to go if space is an issue

    @soutchast : I’m still on finding on what the causes is. I exprerienced my self that deactivating the plugin rid of the image upload error but when i checked my disc usage on my hosting its increases dramatically. – I hope you check your, and let me know then-
    @kercommunications : Actually the total size of all my uploaded image on hosting were not as big as the increasing number of disc usage when i have the plugin deactivated. ( say it I have 1 Mb (original size/not smushed) of total image size, but when i have the plugin deactivated, the disc usage increase dramatically up to 5-6 Mb.

    Bunty + Sulistyo — This is because the upload fails if the Smushit API is down or buggy. Deactivating the plugin restores the traditional upload processing of WordPress. Sounds like a future update may include a fail/safe to prevent Smushit API downtime from precluding image uploads.

    Alex, thank for your update!

    I really like the plugin, but it looks like we need to find a different solution.

    CW Image Optimizer looks promising, but unfortunately it doesn’t work on shared hosting.

    Thanks again!

    Eugen Oprea

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