• I have several sites on WP 2.8.4. And i’ve recently found, that i have 0 cached pages everywhere. Plugins seems to work correctly, no error messages. I’ve reinstalled it like 10 times, changed WP version to 2.8.2, changed Super-Cache version to 0.8.9. Nothing changed. I still got

    0 Cached Pages
    0 Expired Pages

    0 Cached Pages
    0 Expired Pages

    on 3 different sites on 3 different hosts. 2 shared and one VPS.

    Changed rules to 777 for wp-content, cache folder and everything that could be useful. Nothing changed.

    Did anyone encountered such an issue? Does anyone know what to do?

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  • Checked the list of rejected URIs? Remove 1 at a time until it works again.

    donncha, thanks; that problem is fixed; but, now I get this message from the Super Cache settings page: Use your ftp client, or the following command to fix things:chmod 755

    But it doesn’t say where (or how) using the ftp client to implement that instruction. Can you elaborate, please?


    I have exact same issue of 0 pages getting cached and POST request bypass.
    Using vbulletin bridge.
    nasium did you find out the solution for the [ajax= => 0 vbulletin adds?

    douglaswarnold – check the documentation for your ftp client, it’s (sort of) basic ftp/file permissions stuff you should learn about to admin your site. Plenty to find on Google too.

    I have tried I don’t know how many hours to get this to work. After much googling, experimenting, and looking at logs and headers, I know that getting redirected to the login page–you don’t need to actually login–will disable supercache. That’s because a cookie named wordpress_test_cookie with the value WP Cookie check is created, and because the url for the login page has a query string, that is, it looks like domain/blog/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fdomain etc. (the ?redirect makes supercache think that the site isn’t using pretty permalinks) This redirect happens each time you go to blog/wp-admin, for example, when you’re not already logged in.

    if I make sure I never attempt to login, pages do get cached but unfortunately, when I check the header for a cached page, it always includes this header: WP-Cache Served supercache file from PHP

    As I understand it, this indicates something is still not right. Documentation says something about rewrite rules, but those are correct. This is about as frustrating an exercise as I’ve had in a long time. I suppose I should just accept that it probably works no worse that WP-Cache, but I sure would like an explanation or solution.

    yitwail – it will still cache using wp-cache which for most people is just as fast as supercached pages.

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