• I’ve searched around without finding much information related to my question.

    I’m hoping someone can point me in the right direction to allow WP Super Cache to cache pages that include $_GET parameters in the request query string. I’m currently using the Quick Cache plugin which has an option to cache requests with query string parms, but I prefer the lower load provided by WP Super Cache in mod_rewrite mode.

    In digging through the plugin code I have managed to find a few dozen places I can comment out where !empty($_GET) type checks are made, and in .htaccess had to comment out
    #RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !.*=.*
    to allow pages with “=” to be cached.

    That seems to do the trick, but i’m caution to move forward with this solution since updates to the plugin will revert my changes. Any chance an official update would allow an option for this sort of functionality?

    Thanks for the great plugin, and for any help or expertise anyone can provide!


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  • Hi Tmuka, How is your solution working so far, any issues? I am in the same boat. Thanks.

    #RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !.*=.*
    – i think, this will not be enough.

    wp super cache should save such files.

    i have made such thing, but you need to be server admin to do so:
    make file, executable:
    my is called aylandirow1.php , with this code:


    then make rewrite rules like this, but modify for wordpress:

    RewriteEngine On
    	RewriteMap aylandirow1 prg:/var/www/saytlar/izlaw/aylandirow1.php
    	RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.+)
    	RewriteRule /arhif/(....)/(..)/(..)/(.+) /var/www/saytlar/izlaw/arhif/$1/$2/$3/${aylandirow1:$4}\%39%0 [type=text/html]
    	RewriteRule /arhif/(....)/(..)/(..)/(.+) /var/www/saytlar/izlaw/arhif/$1/$2/$3/${aylandirow1:$4} [type=text/html]

    i have encoded “?” character with “%39” , because i had some problems with handling “?” character with rewrite rules. “%39” is “9”‘s code, but it is not used, because “9” is not encoded.
    so, wp-super-cache need to be modified to be replacing “?” with “%39” or other similar way to work this way. for that ask donncha.

    this code is used in a very little and simple search engine that i made ?? https://izlaw.tmf.org.ru/ to serve indexed pages, they are saved by search engine.

    Thread Starter tmuka


    Hi allieai, my attention has been sidetracked from working on/testing this for now. It seemed to work, but I didn’t test extensively, so i’m sure there may be edge cases I missed, like search and login or something, etc.

    qdinar, i commented out “#” that rewrite line above so that supercache WOULD cache urls containing the equals character. My goal was to eliminate the need for php with previously cached url requests, including the ones with query strings params. Of course, i’m sure there are many ways to solve this problem, hopefully yours works satisfactorily for you!

    I am curious to hear from donncha on potential gotchas I may be missing here.

    tmuka – urls with GET parameters aren’t cached as supercache files because the characters they use, specifically ? may cause problems on some filesystems. With that line commented out, try doing a search on your blog and it won’t work. You’ll get the homepage again.

    “?” causes problems even before reaching [any] filesystem, when it goes through rewrite rules, because rewrite rules cuts request_uri into 2 parts by “?” character, and then part after “?” is in rewritecond, part before “?” is in rewriterule. for that i have posted my solution how i made rewrite rules for that.

    qdinar, i commented out “#” that rewrite line above so that supercache WOULD cache urls containing the equals character.

    hm have you tested it? i thought super cache php files refuse to save (to cache) urls with parameters after “?”, or at least save all variants with different parameters after “?” but same string before “?” as one file, with part after “?” cut off.

    Thread Starter tmuka


    donncha & qdinar, thanks for the response, i appreciate the expertise.

    qdinar, i did modify the plugin so it would cache requests with query string parameters. my tests probably worked since in my case it didn’t matter if i ignored the query string arguments, i just needed the pages cached for performance reasons.

    I’m not testing w3-total-cache which has an option to cache requests with query string args.

    Thread Starter tmuka


    I still need to do some more testing, but it seems like my simple mod is working with query string param caching, even differentiating between queries such as /?s=one and /?s=two

    it’s by no means extensively tested, but it seems to be working for my configuration on dreamhost. Give it a try if you care to, let me know if it works for you…

    Of course, all credit for all but a few comments in this code go to donncha. If he prefers me take this down, i’ll be happy to.

    Hi all, Thanks for the updates and sharing your approaches. What’s provided sounds like something more than Super Cache is intended to offer. I will make sure to thoroughly test those approaches if I end up needing this feature.

    Another thing that I have just noticed: even though I do not have anything like what’s been suggested here in place: just plain rewrite settings, I see that page (not post) URLs with GET parameters are actually being cached by Super Cache because the timestamp exists in the source code: “Dynamic page generated in 0.402 seconds”… “Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on 2011-03-07…” – How did this happen without the additional rewrite rules? Does Super Cache behave differently for pages and posts?

    So tmuka, your mod is an overwrite of the whole plugin? It couldn’t be accomplished by making a plugin for WP Super Cache?

    Thread Starter tmuka


    That’s right, my getmod version would be used instead of the original. I don’t think I could write it as a plugin to extend the original plugin.

    I have come to understand the reason get arguments aren’t cacheable, that’s because using mod_rewrite caching means the base filename is requested and loaded right from a static file if they exist, wordpress is not invoked at all.

    My modified version simply throws away any GET variables in the request, it’s up to the reader to setup the theme to use ajax to parse any necessary dynamic content from the GET string. This helps to further reduce overhead since in the stock version any url with a query string is never cached.

    Hope this helps!



    qdinar, i did modify the plugin so it would cache requests with query string parameters. my tests probably worked since in my case it didn’t matter if i ignored the query string arguments, i just needed the pages cached for performance reasons.

    wow, this sounds exactly like what i need!

    in my case… i have a few pages that have a traffic coming in and I would like to serve a cached page to the visitors regardless of what the query string is. so for example:

    the base url would be: https://www.domain.com/page1

    then, the visitors would come in with query strings attached:

    i want to keep the query strings as it is important for me to track information about these users, but I want to serve the cached page as long as the base url is the same. is this possible?

    thank you so much for your help in advance!



    i should add… i tried doing this with w3 total cache and it is simply not supported. i made a post here and got no response (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/plugin-w3-total-cache-varying-query-string-variables-wildcard)

    hopefully this is possible with wp super cache!

    Thread Starter tmuka



    My modded version of the plugin linked above completely ignores query variables. It throws them away and treats the request as if it didn’t have them, serving or caching as necessary. I work the ignored query params in my theme by parsing them with javascript for the few i’m expecting. ( like https://jquery-howto.blogspot.com/2009/09/get-url-parameters-values-with-jquery.html )

    Hope this helps!



    hey tmuka,

    sounds great man! it would be a great addition to the plugin code… maybe you can talk to Donncha O Caoimh to add it in ??

    It throws them away and treats the request as if it didn’t have them, serving or caching as necessary.

    just want to make sure i am understanding your mod version correctly:

    step 1) someone comes to the site with https://www.domain.com/page1?tracking=chrome&tracking2=xyz

    step 2) modded version of plugin throws the query string away and removes them?

    step 3) page is served as REGARDLESS of query strings parameters

    my questions:

    1) where and when does the parsing with javascript occur?
    2) can the modded version simply ignore the query string and serve the page, WITHOUT removing the query string?

    thank you so much!!!

    Thread Starter tmuka


    I didn’t mean to confuse, the url remains intact including the query string. Then in your theme the javascript parses the window.location string which includes the original query string variables and does the necessary actions.

    Hope this helps!

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