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  • I don’t know. There’s obviously something wrong but you might have to dive into the code yourself to figure it out.

    Have you read through the readme and all the troubleshooting tips?

    Okay thanks! well, now it just started sending me messages. Don’t know why it took so long.

    Here’s a sample of what I’ve gotten (3 of these over the night)

    Cache Expiry cron job took more than 30 seconds to execute.
    You should reduce the Expiry Time in the WP Super Cache admin page
    as you probably have more cache files than your server can handle efficiently.

    Disable these emails by commenting out or deleting the line containing
    $wp_cache_debug_email in wp-content/wp-cache-config.php on your server.

    But I don’t think that has anything to do with this “timestamp” issue. Though it would imply that the supercache is working no? (My expiry is set to 300 and there are only about 100 pages cached right now)

    I get the same error here, but the log is different.

    06:39:08 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ supercache dir: ...../cache/supercache/
    06:39:08 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ No wp-cache file exists. Must generate a new one.
    06:39:09 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ In WP Cache Phase 2
    06:39:09 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ Setting up WordPress actions
    06:39:09 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ Created output buffer
    06:39:09 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ supercache dir: ....../cache/supercache/
    06:39:10 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ Output buffer callback
    06:39:10 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ supercache dir: ....../cache/supercache/
    06:39:10 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ Anonymous user detected. Only creating Supercache file.
    06:39:10 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ supercache dir: ....../wp-content/cache/supercache/
    06:39:10 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ Gzipping buffer.
    06:39:10 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ Writing non-gzipped buffer to supercache file.
    06:39:10 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ Writing gzipped buffer to supercache file.
    06:39:10 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ Renamed temp supercache file to ..../wp-content/cache/supercache/
    06:39:10 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ Renamed temp supercache gz file to ...../wp-content/cache/supercache/
    06:39:10 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ Writing gzip content headers. Sending buffer to browser

    The problem is, the cache generated, (OK) the file is there, but with any new request, the plugin create cache again and I see the above note again and again in log file.
    I think there is problem with IIS , (I use PHP option, not mod_rewrite or legacy )
    any idea how I can fix this? even with editing plugin to work with IIS ..

    nickaster – looks like files are generated (slowly), but that’s unrelated. For some reason cache files aren’t being served. Same for f0rud.

    If either of you have the ability, check out wp-cache-phase1.php and debug it with error_log() or mail() commands to see what’s happening.

    It must be a meta file per every cache ?
    I change the code a bit (on serve function):

    $tmp=wp_super_cache_init() ;
        extract( $tmp );
        foreach ($tmp as $_kk=>$_vv){
            wp_cache_debug( "(Mine)=>$_kk :  $_vv", 5 );

    and the result is :

    08:24:08 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ (Mine)=>key :  221fa6f46b2eed9ea4f78b57633b1259
    08:24:08 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ (Mine)=>cache_filename :  wp-cache-221fa6f46b2eed9ea4f78b57633b1259.html
    08:24:08 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ (Mine)=>meta_file :  wp-cache-221fa6f46b2eed9ea4f78b57633b1259.meta
    08:24:08 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ (Mine)=>cache_file :
    08:24:08 /564/a-small-tip-in-php/ (Mine)=>meta_pathname :

    No cache file and no meta path name. Why? is this ok?
    I’m going to check other functions.
    Any advice on where I should lock?

    I fix my problem.
    There is
    In my wp-cache-config.php file. but in
    function, its undefined! (I know its a global variable and there is a global declare of this in begin of function but ….)
    And since I use 404 handler instead of .htaccess file, the last check fail ?? so I set $wp_cache_slash_check=1; in begin of the function and anything is ok right now.

    That’s weird, but glad you figured it out!

    ok, I’ve got the timestamp problem as well… “The pages do not match! Timestamps differ or were not found!” It’s a virgin install, virgin database, with the default 3.0 wordpress theme, and no other plugins except Super Cache in PHP mode… WordPress is installed in a sub-directory called /test.

    And all it does is keep creating a new cache file with every request.

    Help is much appreciated!

    (here is part of the log file, representing 1 click of my “about” page:}

    01:36:31 /test/about Cookie detected: wordpress_logged_in_a1001be836d0d517b8bd189616e4f9a7
    01:36:31 /test/about supercache dir: … /test/about/
    01:36:31 /test/about Cookie detected: wordpress_logged_in_a1001be836d0d517b8bd189616e4f9a7
    01:36:31 /test/about No wp-cache file exists. Must generate a new one.
    01:36:32 /test/about Cookie detected: wordpress_logged_in_a1001be836d0d517b8bd189616e4f9a7
    01:36:32 /test/about In WP Cache Phase 2
    01:36:32 /test/about Setting up WordPress actions
    01:36:32 /test/about Created output buffer
    01:36:32 /test/about Cookie detected: wordpress_logged_in_a1001be836d0d517b8bd189616e4f9a7
    01:36:32 /test/about Output buffer callback
    01:36:32 /test/about supercache dir: … /test/wp-content/cache/supercache/xxxxxx/test/about/
    01:36:32 /test/about Cookie detected: wordpress_logged_in_a1001be836d0d517b8bd189616e4f9a7
    01:36:32 /test/about Cookie detected: wordpress_logged_in_a1001be836d0d517b8bd189616e4f9a7
    01:36:32 /test/about Not caching for known user.
    01:36:32 /test/about supercache dir: … /test/wp-content/cache/supercache/xxxxxxx/test/about/
    01:36:32 /test/about Sending buffer to browser
    01:36:32 /test/about Writing meta file: … /test/wp-content/cache/meta/wp-cache-e3eaf54e190d4d60c45dbde807c87aa5.meta

    That’s you, logged in. What does a request from an “unknown user” look like? Both generating a cache file and serving it.

    no, that’s me in a different browser not logged in. But since my first post, I’ve deleted my browser’s cookies which has helped… but not entirely.

    So, I’m logged in using Chrome, and then going over to Firefox where I’m not logged in and browsing the webpage. It looks now as if every page is calling up the saved cache file, except the home page. The home page keeps generating a new cache file.

    here’s a log of me clicking 3 times (in logged out Firefox), once on the home page, then on the about page, then on the home again. Each time I clicked on home, I got a newly generated cache file (I checked the source code, and the browser loaded up much more slowly). When I clicked on about, I got a previously cached file. Note, however, the error in the debug log below, regarding the about page… which was the one that was successfully cached.

    08:07:36 /test/ supercache dir: /test/wp-content/cache/supercache/xxxxx/test/
    08:07:36 /test/ No wp-cache file exists. Must generate a new one.
    08:07:36 /test/ In WP Cache Phase 2
    08:07:36 /test/ Setting up WordPress actions
    08:07:36 /test/ Created output buffer
    08:07:36 /test/ supercache dir: /test/wp-content/cache/supercache/xxxxx/test/
    08:07:36 /test/ Output buffer callback
    08:07:36 /test/ supercache dir: /test/wp-content/cache/supercache/xxxxx/test/
    08:07:36 /test/ Anonymous user detected. Only creating Supercache file.
    08:07:37 /test/ supercache dir: /test/wp-content/cache/supercache/xxxxx/test/
    08:07:37 /test/ Writing non-gzipped buffer to supercache file.
    08:07:37 /test/ Renamed temp supercache file to /test/wp-content/cache/supercache/xxxxx/test/index.html
    08:07:37 /test/ Sending buffer to browser
    08:07:40 /test/about supercache dir: /test/wp-content/cache/supercache/xxxxx/test/about/
    08:07:40 /test/about Served page from supercache file. Mod rewrite rules may be broken or missing.
    08:07:45 /test/ supercache dir: /test/wp-content/cache/supercache/xxxxx/test/
    08:07:45 /test/ No wp-cache file exists. Must generate a new one.
    08:07:50 /test/ In WP Cache Phase 2
    08:07:50 /test/ Setting up WordPress actions
    08:07:50 /test/ Created output buffer
    08:07:50 /test/ supercache dir: /test/wp-content/cache/supercache/xxxxx/test/
    08:07:50 /test/ Output buffer callback
    08:07:50 /test/ supercache dir: /test/wp-content/cache/supercache/xxxxx/test/
    08:07:50 /test/ Anonymous user detected. Only creating Supercache file.
    08:07:50 /test/ supercache dir: /test/wp-content/cache/supercache/xxxxx/test/
    08:07:50 /test/ Writing non-gzipped buffer to supercache file.
    08:07:50 /test/ Renamed temp supercache file to /test/wp-content/cache/supercache/xxxxx/test/index.html
    08:07:50 /test/ Sending buffer to browser

    Problem fixed on my end by removing: ob_start(“ob_gzhandler”);

    so now my page is cached, but uncompressed (windows server).

    The compression is helping me much more than the cache… need to get onto a linux server.

    i Found Problem My site Work fine.!! Timestamps differ or were not found ??

    Plz try with test Wp Super cache plugin WordPress Default themas , you problem will solved ??


    Check the permissions on “wp-content/cache/”!

    We are running WordPress 3.1, WP Super Cache & Windows Server 2003 and although Super Cache appeared to be serving cached pages – I could see the “Dynamic page generated” & “Cached page generated” comments in the HTML source – I couldn’t quite believe it as the cached page generation time was always the current time!

    Plus debugging mode showed the same messages as shagazulu was getting above.

    And whats with all those random name TMP files in “wp-content/cache/”?
    Well, Super Cache is meant to re-name those to “.html”, which ties in with the mod_rewrite thats occurring in the .htaccess file in the root of your install.

    The up-shot?
    You need to add modify (as well as write) permissions to the “wp-content/cache/” directory. So, for IIS that is your Internet Guest Account (IUSR) account.
    And to know that Super Cache is serving these cached files, you should see something like this in debugging:

    18:54:11 /en/ wp-cache file exists: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\XXX\en\wp-content\cache\wp-cache-7eb37da74eb275522b441bca7bc4d02e.html
    18:54:11 /en/ Serving wp-cache static file
    18:54:11 /en/ exit request

    Otherwise it aint happening!

    I’m also getting the “pages do not match. timestamps differ” error. My site is installed in a sub-directory. I don’t understand most of the solutions people have suggested in the previous 44 posts. I’m getting the picture that WP Super Cache needs to be installed by a expert. What the best way to go about hiring someone to solve a problem like this?

    I think I found a solution: In the Advanced tab I selected “Use mod_rewrite to serve cache files. (Recommended)” Now the error message has disappeared!

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