First, for all the credits, I should give Eva who helped me.
The solution would be to use DHTML Window (v1.1) from Dynamic Drive script
Below you have an example and a how to
here is the detail how-to from Eva:
download the zip from here script.
Then upload the files to your site’s folder
add this to your themes header:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="URL_TO_YOUR_FILES/dhtmlwindow.css" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="URL_TO_YOUR_FILES/dhtmlwindow.js">
* DHTML Window Widget- ? Dynamic Drive (
* This notice must stay intact for legal use.
* Visit for full source code
edit the dhtmlwindow.js to adjust where are your files
I added URL_TO_YOUR_FILES/ there to get it display the buttons
imagefiles:[‘URL_TO_YOUR_FILES/min.gif’, ‘URL_TO_YOUR_FILES/close.gif’, ‘restore.gif’, ‘resize.gif’], //
Path to 4 images used by script, in that order
now you can go to your table, and add this to your cell (the div and the corresponding button)
Cell1 content:
<div id="tablecell1_content" style="display:none"><p style="height: 400px"><img title="DSCF5382" src="" alt="" width="150" height="150" /> table cell 1 content here</p></div>
<a href="#" onClick="'divbox', 'div', 'tablecell1_content','Cell 1 title', 'width=450px,height=300px,left=200px,top=150px,resize=0,scrolling=0');return false"><b>click to open</b></a> your table's content here
for each cell you need to add the corresponding content
<div id="tablecell2_content" style="display:none"><p style="height: 400px"><img title="DSCF5382"src="" alt="" width="150" height="150" /> table cell 2 content here onmouseover</p></div>
<a href="#" onMouseOver="'divbox', 'div', 'tablecell2_content','Cell 2 title', 'width=450px,height=300px,left=200px,top=150px,resize=0,scrolling=0');return false"><b>mouseover to open</b></a> your table's content here and so on...
the easiest way to edit the “here you can add content and put images” is create a post (without saving it), upload the images, add the text and links, and when you are ready, view the html source and add it to your div, than copy the div and button to your table cell.
Hope it helps for everyone else who need this solution.