• Resolved denisehamlin


    I have a real estate site with this plugin installed. I also have a home search plugin installed and table-reloaded has a minor conflict with that. In general it works just fine, the problem is only with the Advanced Search function on the Home Search. I contacted IDX, the developers of the other plugin and they think I need a space between the style tab and the head tab right after where the table-reloaded plugin inserts its CSS code. What I need to know from you is how I insert a break between those two tags.

    I did deactivate parts of your plugin to check this theory and it was right. With the table-reloaded CSS removed and the style and head tags on separate lines the Advanced Search worked perfectly.

    My site is https://ichomesforsale.com

    The page I am talking about is under Search Homes — Advanced Search. At the moment the basic search comes up and shows columns trying to load below that. Those two columns do not finish loading.


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  • Plugin Author TobiasBg


    Hi Denise,

    thanks for your question!

    I just had a look at your site, and can see that a line of JavaScript code is inserted in the <style> code of WP-Table Reloaded, which seem to break the page.

    Now, adding a space between </style> and </head> might solve this here, indeed. However, that would just be by coincidence. The actual problem, in my opinion, is that the search plugin is inserting that line of JavaScript in the wrong way. (To confirm this assumption, I would have to take a look at their code, which is probably not possible, as this is a commercial plugin, I assume?!)

    Anyway, here’s the way to add an empty line between the </style> and </head>.
    Just add this to your theme’s “functions.php”:

    function wp_table_reloaded_add_empty_line_after_css( $css ) {
      return $css . "\n\n";
    add_filter( 'wp_table_reloaded_frontend_css', 'wp_table_reloaded_add_empty_line_after_css' );

    Best wishes,

    Thread Starter denisehamlin


    Thank you Tobias. IDX is a commercial plugin and you need to have an account with IDX Broker for it to work properly. Other than that it’s in the WP database freely available: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/idx-broker-wordpress-plugin/

    I haven’t tried your fix yet. I’m running the Thesis theme and need to add this as a hook in my custom_functions.php file. I’m new to Thesis and still figuring out the hook thing so it will probably take me a while to do that. I’ll let you know if it’s successful after it’s done.

    Thank you for the prompt response. I really appreciate it.

    Thread Starter denisehamlin


    I asked in the Thesis forum and was told the code should work “as is.” It doesn’t. I tried that, (before I turned to the forum), and the style and head tags are still on the same line. Do you have any other ideas for me?

    Plugin Author TobiasBg


    Hi Denise,

    thanks for testing this!

    Can you (as a start) try if “regular” text, i.e. no empty lines, are printed correctly, with this code:

    function wp_table_reloaded_add_empty_line_after_css( $css ) {
      return $css . "<style>/* test */</style>";
    add_filter( 'wp_table_reloaded_frontend_css', 'wp_table_reloaded_add_empty_line_after_css' );

    This should give you another <style> tag before the </head> tag, with the word test in it.
    If that is also not working, this would mean that the code does not “work out of the box” in the theme.


    Thread Starter denisehamlin


    Okay Tobias, now we know it doesn’t work out of the box with the thesis theme. It’s currently in my custom functions.php folder and nothing has changed. (My site isn’t broken either, which I guess is a plus).

    Sorry this is turning out to be so much work for you.


    Plugin Author TobiasBg


    Hi Denise,

    yes, I just checked again, and that new style tag has not been added…
    Is there really no chance to directly use a “functions.php” file in thesis? In really all other themes this file exists and can be used…
    Now, we can actually also try another way to include this code:
    Please try copying the following code into a new PHP file, e.g. wp-table-reloaded-idx.php, and copy that file to your server, into the “wp-content/plugins/” folder (not into an existing subdirectory though!)

    Plugin Name: WP-Table Reloaded/IDX Fix
    Description: Custom Extension for WP-Table Reloaded
    Version: 1.0
    function wp_table_reloaded_add_empty_line_after_css( $css ) {
      return $css . "\n\n";
    add_filter( 'wp_table_reloaded_frontend_css', 'wp_table_reloaded_add_empty_line_after_css' );

    That will give you a new plugin in the WP Dashboard, namely “WP-Table Reloaded/IDX Fix”. Please enable that. Hopefully after doing this, the empty lines are inserted before the </head> tag.


    Thread Starter denisehamlin


    I don’t think this is going to work Tobias. I followed your instructions, but WP won’t activate the plugin and I get a fatal error message. I noticed you were missing a closing ?> php tag. First I tried it as you have it, then I added the closing php tag. I’m still getting the same error message. Don’t worry about it. I figure we give up on this. I have plenty of other home searches on the site. I will deactivate that search for the time being and see if I can figure out with thesis how to add a custom filter. It must be possible.

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wp_table_reloaded_add_empty_line_after_css() (previously declared in /home/denise/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_182/custom/custom_functions.php:124) in /home/denise/public_html/wp-content/plugins/table-reloader-fix/tablefix.php on line 10

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    ah, yes, that error message comes up as the code still is in the custom_functions.php as well. Defining functions in two locations is not allowed though. Just remove the code from the custom_functions.php again, and it should be possible to activate the plugin.

    And yes, the closing PHP tag is missing. That’s no problem however, as a closing PHP tag at the end of a file is not required. And leaving it out can actually reduce problems with printed white space (which again can cause other trouble like already sent headers).

    If you want to continue with this in the future, it might be an idea to investigate the other approach I mentioned: Where does that line of JavaScript come from? Which plugin adds it to that wrong location?

    Best wishes,

    Thread Starter denisehamlin


    Okay, done. We can mark this one as resolved Tobias!

    Thank You


    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    ok, I will do that then.

    And thanks a lot again for your donation, it’s much appreciated!

    Best wishes,

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