• Hello,

    I am trying to put the table on a sidebar tabs on the sidebar. Here’s the code

    <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/js/tabs.js"></script>
    	<ul class="tabs clearfix">
    		<li><a href="javascript:tabSwitch_2(1, 4, 'tab-b_', 'content-b_');" id="tab-b_1" class="on"><?php _e("tab1"); ?></a></li>
    		<li><a href="javascript:tabSwitch_2(2, 4, 'tab-b_', 'content-b_');" id="tab-b_2"><?php _e("tab2"); ?></a></li>
    		<li><a href="javascript:tabSwitch_2(3, 4, 'tab-b_', 'content-b_');" id="tab-b_3"><?php _e("tab3"); ?></a></li>
    		<li><a href="javascript:tabSwitch_2(4, 4, 'tab-b_', 'content-b_');" id="tab-b_4"><?php _e("tab4"); ?></a></li>
    	<div style="clear:both;"></div>
    	<div id="content-b_1" class="cat_content">
    		place your content here
    	<div id="content-b_2" class="cat_content" style="display:none">
    		place your content here
    	<div id="content-b_3" class="cat_content" style="display:none">
    		place your content here
    	<div id="content-b_4" class="cat_content" style="display:none">
    		place your content here

    Can I just put [table=ID] instead of place your content here? I tried it but it didn’t show anything. Is there any alternative way to do?

    Or do you Know a Plugin that I can use to put multi tabs into 1?



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  • Plugin Author TobiasBg



    no, in those locations, you must use the Template Tag function instead of the Shortcode:

    <?php wp_table_reloaded_print_table( 'id=123' ); ?>

    The arguments of that function call are the same as for the Shortcode, combined with a & character, like in a URL.

    Best wishes,

    Thread Starter theiceman6


    I hope other Plugin creators can learn from you ??

    Working as a charm check it at the bottom left https://www.f1arab.com

    will donate more soon -:) do you accept google checkout now? last time I used my friend’s paypal.

    I got another question, Is is possible to copy “times” from other websites instead of copy/past them times by times?

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    great to hear that ??

    Unfortunately, I still didn’t have time to check out Google Checkout (ha, nice word joke ?? ). I’m pretty busy at the moment with university stuff and don’t really feel like reading all of their rules and regulations…

    Regarding your question: I totally have no idea what you mean with copying “times by times”. Can you explain that a little more maybe?

    Best wishes,

    Thread Starter theiceman6


    Oh sorry Tobias I didn’t explain very well.

    Like this :


    You can see results, times and laps. Is is possible to copy them all directly? no need to copy/paste?

    And Google checkout is easy ??

    Btw do you know how to remove the white space here ?

    URL : https://www.f1arab.com

    The style for that is
    #sidebar li#side-tabs2

    Thank you Tobias you are the best ??

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    no, unfortunately I don’t see a way to import that data, as it is not a real table, but just text.
    You might try copy and pasting the entire text into the “Manual Input” field and select “CSV” on the “Import” screen. It might be possible that the importer recognizes the spaces as a delimiter correctly, but I would not bet on it. Sorry.

    Yeah, I know that Google Checkout might be easy, but I’m kind of cautious with money stuff ??

    For the white space: As far as I can see, that is not coming from any CSS command, but it is rather located in the HTML code. There seems to be some invisible (in the editor) white space, which becomes visible in the browser.

    Can you try removing all white space between <li id="side-tabs2"> and <ul class="tabs clearfix">?

    Best wishes,

    Thread Starter theiceman6


    Ah ok no problem I’ll copy paste them ??

    About the white space I have this file side-tabs2.php

    ?<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/js/tabs.js"></script>
        <ul class="tabs clearfix">
            <li><a href="javascript:tabSwitch_2(1, 3, 'tab-b_', 'content-b_');" id="tab-b_1" class="on"><?php _e("????????"); ?></a></li>
            <li><a href="javascript:tabSwitch_2(2, 3, 'tab-b_', 'content-b_');" id="tab-b_2"><?php _e("????????"); ?></a></li>
            <li><a href="javascript:tabSwitch_2(3, 3, 'tab-b_', 'content-b_');" id="tab-b_3"><?php _e("?????? 2010"); ?></a></li>
        <div style="clear:both;"></div>
            <div id="content-b_1" class="cat_content">
            <?php wp_table_reloaded_print_table( 'id=32' ); ?>
        <div id="content-b_2" class="cat_content" style="display:none">
            <?php wp_table_reloaded_print_table( 'id=33' ); ?>
        <div id="content-b_3" class="cat_content" style="display:none">
            <?php wp_table_reloaded_print_table( 'id=34' ); ?>

    and CSS file

    And this function to call the tabs on the sidebar

    <li id="side-tabs2">
    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . "/side-tabs2.php"); ?>

    I couldn’t find the line you told me about ??

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    I checked again and while the additional white space in the source seems to be gone, one of the line breaks still seems to make trouble.
    So, please try this:


    <li id="side-tabs2">
    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . "/side-tabs2.php"); ?>

    remove the line breaks AND re-type the > and < characters that surround the line breaks. That way (because they were typed “freshly” from your keyboard), the wrong linebreaks should be gone.

    Also try the same with the line breaks after the <script> tag. As it seems, that tag is removed by the wp-minify plugin and it might be possible that there’s a wrong line break left over.


    Thread Starter theiceman6


    What I did is rewrting the code by myself

    <li id="side-tabs2">
    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . "/side-tabs2.php"); ?>

    Fresh keyboard ?? and still didn’t work.

    Also I re-write this by muself

    <ul class="tabs clearfix">
            <li><a href="javascript:tabSwitch_2(1, 3, 'tab-b_', 'content-b_');" id="tab-b_1" class="on"><?php _e("????????"); ?></a></li>
            <li><a href="javascript:tabSwitch_2(2, 3, 'tab-b_', 'content-b_');" id="tab-b_2"><?php _e("????????"); ?></a></li>
            <li><a href="javascript:tabSwitch_2(3, 3, 'tab-b_', 'content-b_');" id="tab-b_3"><?php _e("?????? 2010"); ?></a></li>

    And it still the same ??

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    then I suspect that the wp-minify plugin has to do with it, because that plugin takes the <script> HTML out of that place and maybe leaves a line break. And there definitely is a line break, I can “feel” it with Firebug and also remove it with that.

    To test this theory, can you temporarily turn off wp-minify?

    Additionally (maybe even before my first suggestion), can you check, what kind of line breaks are used in the two files (Unix style or Windows style, as described here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newline#Representations)
    You might be able to see that in an advanced text editor, not sure if Notepad shows it.
    It should not really matter, which one is used, but they should be consistent.

    Best wishes,

    Thread Starter theiceman6


    Sorry Tobias, I know this question isn’t related to your plugin..

    I’ve de-activated wp-minify and still the same

    I din’t understand the 2nd part of your question.. ??

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    ok, then it is not wp-minify’s fault. You can turn it on again ??

    Here is where the character is located that makes trouble:

    <li id="side-tabs2">?<script type="text/...

    It is invisible here, but it is visible in a code editor that shows control characters. It is located right between the > after <li id="side-tabs2" and before the < of script type="text/....

    So, the problem seems to be in the side-tabs2.php file.

    At first, please rewrite the following code to this:

    <li id="side-tabs2"><?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . "/side-tabs2.php"); ?></li>

    (copy and paste from here, to eliminate all line breaks).

    No open side-tabs2.php in WordPad (not Notepad) if possible. Go right before the script tag (and after the <) at the beginning. Press Backspace a few times to remove the < and any hidden characters that might be there. Then type the < again. And save the file and test again.
    This should also fix any line breaks at the beginning of this file to finally solve the problem ??

    Best wishes,

    Thread Starter theiceman6


    Great ??

    here’s my side-tabs2.php file

    ?<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/js/tabs.js"></script>
        <ul class="tabs clearfix">
            <li><a href="javascript:tabSwitch_2(1, 3, 'tab-b_', 'content-b_');" id="tab-b_1" class="on"><?php _e("????????"); ?></a></li>
            <li><a href="javascript:tabSwitch_2(2, 3, 'tab-b_', 'content-b_');" id="tab-b_2"><?php _e("????????"); ?></a></li>
            <li><a href="javascript:tabSwitch_2(3, 3, 'tab-b_', 'content-b_');" id="tab-b_3"><?php _e("?????? 2010"); ?></a></li>
        <div style="clear:both;"></div>
            <div id="content-b_1" class="cat_content">
            <?php wp_table_reloaded_print_table( 'id=32' ); ?>
        <div id="content-b_2" class="cat_content" style="display:none">
            <?php wp_table_reloaded_print_table( 'id=33' ); ?>
        <div id="content-b_3" class="cat_content" style="display:none">
            <?php wp_table_reloaded_print_table( 'id=34' ); ?>

    It doesn’t have anything before the script line ? is that possible? or do you want me to edit it?

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    yes, there likely is an invisible control character (an invisible line break before the script tag in the first line – at least that’s my assumption from researching through your code.

    I suggest opening the file in Windows’ “WordPad” (as it is a little more robust with this than “Notepad”) and delete the invisible first character there. Then save and upload the file again.

    If that does not help, I really have no further ideas on how to fix this, sorry ??


    Thread Starter theiceman6


    HAHAHAHA it worked HAHAHAHA ??

    Sorry dude I am happy. do you think I should change the place of the standings to somewhere up ? or is it good as a guest? for me I think I need to make it above the video Plugin. For you as a visitor where do you prefer or do u like it?


    Thread Starter theiceman6


    Also Mate because you are good. You see at the sidebar 2 pics how can i make a space between them? I don’t want them to look attached.

    This will be my last question ever ??

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